Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Advances in Artificial Intelligence - 762 Words

â€Å"Artificial intelligence is growing up fast, as are robots whose facial expressions can elicit empathy and make your mirror neurons quiver† ( Diane Ackerman). Today robots are used to do the same actions or jobs that are considered dangerous to humans. Robots are used because its cheaper, easier and sometimes its the only way to get things done. Robotics are the branch of technology that deals with the design, construction, operation, and application of robots. Robotics today are used to help improve healthcare, surgical procedures, and automobile driving. Robotics are helpful to mankind. Robots are helpful to mankind because robots are being used to improve health care. Stephen C. Schimpff states that robotics can potentially change the delivery of healthcare (parag.1). According to this statement robotics can give opportunities to increase the quality of care through clinical expertise and best practices. Robotics also offers opportunities for telementoring, training, and education while using a combination of robotics and telemedicine for healthcare. Jaimy Lee also states that robots are going to be put in the position of automate simple operational tasks or give new ways for physicians to talk with patients (parag.1). According to this statement robots can help physicians talk to their patients without being by their bedside. So basically robots can help the doctors take care of the patients when they are not around to take care of their patients. Government TechnologyShow MoreRelatedAdvances in Artificial Intelligence Essay2696 Words   |  11 PagesAdvances in Artificial Intelligence With advances in technology many researchers have become captivated with the pursuit of Artificial Intelligence. Numerous fields of study have tried to contribute their knowledge in order to create intelligence. However, years of research have thus far been unable to create human intelligence. 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