Thursday, September 3, 2020
Evaluation of Product; Apple's Macbook Pro Essay
Assessment of Product; Apple's Macbook Pro - Essay Example Then again, outside the producer condition, MacBook Pro is a quick moving item in the market. Customer Reports positions MacBook Pro as extraordinary compared to other PCs the market and a rapidly moving item by buyer decision (Rawson). The assessment of this item regarding business sector and shopper setting includes three factors: the clients of the item, the earth inside which the item is found, and the item itself as far as fulfilling customer tastes and inclinations. The maker customer components and collaborations give basic bits of knowledge into the item being referred to. The item is intended to suit the end client without trouble. Despite the fact that Apple uses advanced innovations in planning and assembling extraordinary and high caliber for the market, end client systems are additionally actualized. Straightforwardness as far as ease of use and advancement regarding maker and usefulness are the drives of MacBook Pro. The estimating of the item considers the expense of creation and the way that Apple works on a benefit thought process. Be that as it may, because of the usage of vital assets and cutting edge creation forms, the item has reasonable costs when it arrives at the market (Stanton 147). Locally, territorially, and universally, the earth inside which the item is offered is a serious one. Consequently, rivalry gets fundamental for effective tasks and market execution. The advertising systems utilized by Apple for MacBook Pro look to address shopper needs. What makes this procedure not quite the same as numerous other adversary firms is the development and customer input programs that Apple runs. The organization plans and fabricates items with incorporated shopper based highlights. The item itself is significant in the whole assessment process. MacBook Pro’s positioning against other substitutable items is urgent in representing the acknowledged item drifts in the different markets where the
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Population, Migration, Cultural and Language Geography Assignment
Populace, Migration, Cultural and Language Geography - Assignment Example Islam is a term that is utilized to allude to that demonstration of submitting or somewhat respecting the desire of God. Then again, a Muslim alludes to a person who submits, yields, or rather rehearses the desire of God. An individual who pronounces Islam must, consequently, have faith in five significant convictions that control their confidence. The principal column is that there is just a single God worth adoring and who is Allah. The subsequent column expects Muslims to supplicate five times each day while confronting the Holy city of Mecca. Thirdly, Muslims accept that they accomplish sanitization and development each time they set out to provide for good cause. During the period of Ramadan, Muslims take part in fasting as a method of self-decontamination. At long last, this confidence energizes Muslims, all the more so the individuals who are truly and monetarily capable, to make a journey excursion to Mecca at any rate once in the course of their life. The congregation of Latter Day Saints is a reclamation development that falls under Protestantism. It was conceived from reformists who tried to loosen up from strict practices which were to a great extent saw as discriminative and for all intents and purposes inapplicable. The reformers were additionally enraged in the way in which initiative of those houses of worship was running its issues. Saying that the â€Å"American English Language is a transformative item from British English†suggests that the American English follows its inception to the British English and which has been somewhat changed in order to seem one of a kind or rather unique. Ebonics is that sort of English for the most part spoken by dark American and which is comprised of mistakenly spelt words or inappropriate sentences. This is ascribed to the blacks lack of engagement in understanding the rudiments of the right American English language accordingly bringing about decayed English. Relocation Geography is that part of earth’s study that includes contemplating the development of individuals from one spot to the next and the different causes that trigger such development. Individuals ordinarily move from one spot to the next spot for work or settlement for various reasons.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Hombres Necios by Sor Juana Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1
Hombres Necios by Sor Juana - Essay Example In any case, Sor Juana contends that these shortcomings are brought about by men themselves. This is found in the principal refrain of the sonnet where she contends that men wrongly denounce ladies overlooking that they are the ones to fault for the rising flaws. During the composition of the sonnet in the seventeenth century, sexual orientation balance was a fundamental issue however it was not really spoken about. Regardless, the sonnet gives an impression of the situation during this period while at the same time censuring men’s activities against ladies. For instance, the sonnet utilizes a relationship way to deal with show the imbalance and outrages focused on ladies. In each progression of the relationship from romance to the course of the relationship, men consistently endeavor to win and don't assume liability for any issue whatsoever but instead accuse ladies. For the most part, despite the fact that Sor Juana contends for ladies, she uses the term ‘we’ in the whole sonnet. Moreover, the sonnet is apparently straightforward inferable from the short verses, four lines each, and the repeat of the message. In spite of the fact that Sor Juana was from Mexico, the sonnet gives an impression of the general cultural setting in Latin America. During this period women’s voice and commitments to the general public were constrained with just two open doors as either housewives or nuns. In spite of the fact that nuns delighted in certain benefits, for example, learning, they were as yet kept down by the constraints forced on ladies. In that capacity, Sor Juana’s sonnet evaluating men was a strong move from a lady making her one of the main pioneers of women's liberation. Thinking about the chances against ladies, it is just consistent to ask what propelled her. Did other ladies favor of her ways? All the more critically, did her endeavors bear any natural products? Moreover, the sonnet is relatable to the advanced society where issues spinning around sexual orientation uniformity are as yet up and coming. Sex disparity isn't just an issue in Latin America but instead a worldwide
Gimpel the full :: essays research papers
In practically any culture, through the investigation of its old stories, we are practically sure to discover the narrative of an astute fool(Hamlet, Tom Sawyer, Claudio, Don Quixote, Van Gogh, Forest Gump). The lesson of most folktales stories includes a Catch 22 in regards to the philosophical benefit of being dull, or professing to be dull. So is Gimpel a dolt or would he say he is so inherently shrewd to realize that claiming to be a nitwit is worthwhile? Let’s conjecture an analysis. In the event that we put everything out on a table in a packed park, and spot a bowl of strawberries on it with a sign â€Å"Free samples,†it won’t be some time before individuals begin to take each strawberry in turn first. Constantly a few of the primary samplers, will return, and on their second methodology most likely they will take more than one strawberry. What this test would show is the interest of human instinct, and the practically compelling propensity to exploit a circumstance where the members have nothing to hazard. All in all, in Gimpel’s pickle, we was proclaimed by the villagers’ general accord to be somebody simple to exploit( a blockhead?). It was likewise a general accord to put a trick on him, ever preferable and all the more befuddling over the last one. The point I am attempting to get across is that Gimpel was a guileless, reasonable individual, not a moron (the strawberry). It was presumably the encompassing of his childhood; the absence of parental direction; or only an undaunted soul not to shout his vision of trustworthiness with the everyday wastes of time that made him so accommodating. He saw from the get-go in life his karma, and chose to oblige it. The scalawag here is the remainder of the world; even the Rabbi leant on him. There was no a solitary individual who went to his safeguard. He was the village’s reluctant entertainer. They needed to scorn him however much as could reasonably be expected, or to giggle at him in the event that another person did likewise.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Federal Government’s Response to Economic Issues of Tariff free essay sample
One remarkable component of the railroad transport during the 1880’s was decrease of cargo charges to huge shippers, a reality that was disadvantageous to little shippers. Railroad transport was additionally scandalous for extreme charges between goals that were served by one railroad line. Additionally, some railroadsâ â requested more installment from certain shippers than from others, for a similar separation secured (Brinkley 1995). When Cleverland accepted office just because, his organization passed the primary Interstate Commercial Act that basically directed transportation by railroad line, notwithstanding making an Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC) that ensured against any infringement of the Act. The Act likewise forestalled demanding of additional charges, and separation in rates and refunds. Cleverland assumed a functioning job in affecting decrease of the high Tariffs. (Brinkley 1995) He accepted that high taxes were the purpose for the significant expense of living and for the fast way where trusts were creating. We will compose a custom exposition test on Bureaucratic Government’s Response to Economic Issues of Tariff or then again any comparable point explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page  In 1887 and 1888, he made endeavors to bring down paces of defensive tax. These endeavors were be that as it may, fruitless (Farmer, 2005). His  â second expression in office as the president was portrayed by serious monetary and money related emergency brought by breakdown in the financial exchange. In any case, in spite of the emergency, Cleverland’s organization likewise observed the death of The Wilson-Gorman Tariff Act of 1894. This law had significant concessions to protectionism, notwithstanding diminishing the paces of Tariff. (Brinkley 1995) At the point when Harrison turned into the president in 1889, his Government, so as to satisfy political race guarantees, passed the McKinley levy Act, This Act looked to ensure built up businesses and to support development of rising ventures (Farmer, 2005). The McKinley Tariff anyway became disagreeable particularly with ranchers and shoppers since it occasioned an ascent in retail costs and prompted increment in the import rates in modern merchandise. Notwithstanding, during Harrison’s term in office, eight settlements that prompted decrease in levy rates were arranged. Harrison’s residency additionally observed the death of the renowned Sherman Anti-Trust Act, which vested the legislature with forces of documenting claims against business coordinators whose activities controlled rivalry. This law was in any case, not upheld and the convergence of trusts went on as in the past (Brinkley 1995). Reference 1.â â â â â Brinkley, A., Freidel, F., Williams, H. T. (1995). American History: A Survey. (ninth ed). New York. McGraw Hill. 2.â â â â â Farmer, B.R. (2005). American Conservatism: History Theory and Practice. Britain. Cambridge Scholars Press.
Tuesday, August 4, 2020
How Long Does Ritalin Stay in Your System
How Long Does Ritalin Stay in Your System Addiction Drug Use Prescription Medications Print How Long Does Ritalin Stay in Your System? By Buddy T facebook twitter Buddy T is an anonymous writer and founding member of the Online Al-Anon Outreach Committee with decades of experience writing about alcoholism. Learn about our editorial policy Buddy T Medically reviewed by Medically reviewed by Steven Gans, MD on December 15, 2015 Steven Gans, MD is board-certified in psychiatry and is an active supervisor, teacher, and mentor at Massachusetts General Hospital. Learn about our Medical Review Board Steven Gans, MD Updated on September 19, 2019 ADHD Overview Symptoms Causes Diagnosis Treatment Living With In Children Tetra Images / Getty Images Ritalin (methylphenidate) is a medication thats most often used as part of a treatment plan for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). It works by stimulating your central nervous system, keeping the neurotransmitters dopamine and norepinephrine in your brain longer. Ritalin is also sometimes used to treat narcolepsy, a sleep disorder that causes excessive daytime sleepiness and sudden bouts of sleep. Signs of Ritalin Overdose If you take Ritalin for any reason, knowing how long the medication can stay active in your body may be helpful in preventing an accidental overdose of the stimulant, which can have serious consequences. An overdose of Ritalin can cause a host of unpleasant problems, including: VomitingAgitation, shaking, seizuresLoss of consciousnessConfusion, hallucinationsSweating, flushingHeadachesFeverDilated pupilsMuscle twitchingFast, pounding, or irregular heartbeatDry mouth or nose Any of these symptoms are a sign to get medical help by calling 911 or heading to the nearest hospital emergency room. Ritalin Abuse Ritalin is a medication that teenagers and young adults sometimes use in order to get high. If they dont have a prescription, they may ask other people for Ritalin pills, crush or snort it, or even steal or lie in order to get the drug. Parents who are worried their child is abusing Ritalin may want to look out for these signs of abuse: Decreased appetiteIrritabilityMemory problemsAnxietyRapid heart rateDehydrationSuspiciousness or paranoiaDepressionFatigueActing secretive or isolating him or herselfHyperactivityDilated pupilsMood swingsAggressiveness Whats more, Ritalin can be habit-forming. After a period of time, anyone taking Ritalin can develop a tolerance for the drug, making it less effective than when you first started taking it. As a result, you may be tempted to take larger dosages to achieve the same effect that you once got, but doing that can increase the risk of becoming addicted. Drug Tests for Ritalin There are many variables that can play a role in how long Ritalin, or any drug, for that matter, continue to be active in the body after its taken. An obvious one is that everyones body is different. The rate at which medications and other substances are used up in the body depends on things like your personal rate of metabolism, age, weight, and percentage of body fat. How physically active you are, how often you take the substance, or even how hydrated you are, can also impact how long it takes medication to clear. Some health conditions can play a role in the rate at which drugs are metabolized by the body. The type of drug test used to detect Ritalin is also a consideration. Here are an estimated range of times, or detection windows, during which Ritalin can be detected by various methods: Urine Test: One to two daysBlood Test: Around 12 hoursSaliva Test: One to two daysHair Follicle Test: Up to 90 days
Monday, June 22, 2020
What Students Need to Know About College Textbooks
What Students Need to Know About College Textbooks Related Articles Amount of Spending Money a College Student Needs Amount of Spending Money a College Student Needs Where Can I Purchase College Textbooks Online? Where Can I Purchase College Textbooks Online? School Supplies for College Students School Supplies for College Students Do I Need to Read All These Books? If you're dreading the idea of reading a huge stack of college textbooks, don't worry. In many cases, you're not even going to read the entire book. It's not uncommon for professors to assign just three or four chapters from each book. Unfortunately, you're probably not going to find out this information until you've already made your purchase. Should I Buy All of the Books Listed? If a book is listed as required, you're probably going to use it on a regular basis. If you want to get a good grade in the course, you'll need to purchase the required books. If a textbook is listed on the syllabus as a recommended book, it's probably not as important. In fact, it may only be used during two or three lessons. You can purchase the book, check out a copy from the library, or share with a friend. Why Are My Books so Expensive? Did you know that in the past two decades, college textbook prices have increased twice as fast as inflation? While the newest Stephen King novel might cost $25, it's not unusual for a single college textbook to cost over $100. And some professors will require more than one book per course. The price of college textbooks often varies according to the field of study. For example, chemistry textbooks are typically much more expensive than the books used in an elective religion course. At many schools, students report biology textbooks are the most expensive. According to publishers, there are several factors contributing to the high price of college textbooks. At one time, textbook publishers weren't expected to turn a significant profit. However, publishing is now treated like any other business. The company is expected to make as much money as possible from your purchase. The rapidly changing nature of some academic fields requires publishers to update the facts in a textbook on an annual basis. Each new edition of a book typically costs 45% more than the previous copy. Books containing CDs, software, or other supplemental materials will cost much more than books without these extras. Hardcover textbooks are slightly more expensive than their paperback counterparts. Books with lots of full-color illustrations cost more to produce than textbooks without these graphics. Some publishers markup the cost of new books to compensate for the fact that used textbook sales don't produce royalties for the author.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
The Effects Of Alcohol On A Person s Relationships With...
Does the quality of a person’s relationships with their parents and with their peer’s influence the extent to which that person engages in deviant behavior? Alcohol is the main substance used among juveniles and young adults. The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism stated that, in 2009, more than 70% of teens by the age of 18 had at least one drink. There are many factors that can lead to this but I think the most important factors are parent and peer influences on a person. The relationship that a person has with their parents and peers can greatly influence their amount of alcohol use. Family and peers are very important factors because they are who people spend most of their time with, especially when they are young. The†¦show more content†¦I will also use Monitoring the Future, which is a self-report survey of 8th, 10th and 12th grade students. This self-report survey demonstrates how many of these students have used alcohol in 30 days. The relationship a juvenile has with their parents can affect whether the person is deviant or not. If a person has a strong relationship with their parents, then they are most likely not to commit deviant behaviors. Parents are an important factor in influencing whether their child to either use alcohol or not. If a parent has a strong relationship with their children, then they spend more time together. By spending more time together they have less free time to commit deviant behavior such as drinking alcohol. Also, since the parents and the person have a good relationship the parents are more likely to know what the child is doing most of the time. If a juvenile has more surveillance, then they are less likely to drink alcohol. When a child does not have a strong relationship with their parents then they are most likely to commit deviant behavior. They are most likely to use alcohol because their parents are not around to tell them to stop. When juveniles do not have a strong rela tionship with their parents then they are most likely to spend time
Monday, May 18, 2020
All Quiet On The Western Front - 1395 Words
Mahatma Gandhi, a renowned political and spiritual leader, once said that, â€Å"I object to violence because when it appears to do good, the good is only temporary, the evil it does is permanent.†Presume you see two men in a heated argument and one of them is about to attack the other, you take a rock and throw it at him and knock him out. On one hand it is a good thing that you prevented the attack but on the other hand you used violence yourself, and there is no doubt that you would not hesitate to use it again. The good that came from the violence that you used lasted for a short time, but the punishment that you get for doing this lasts for a long time. Imperialism of rivalries and nationalism were two of the main reasons that most†¦show more content†¦Everyone wanted their country to be independent and superior. France was the first to come up with the idea of nationalism and spread it to other parts of Europe. Nationalism, also known as devotion or collaborati on of different people to form an independent nation of their own. In the first chapter of the novel we read that Paul Baumer and his friends volunteer, or rather forced to enlist in the war by their parents and teacher, Mr.Kantorek, Paul recalls that teachers always carry their feelings ready in their waistcoat pockets, and trot them out by the hour (Remarque 1. 15). During school lessons, teachers would fill up the students minds with the opinions of nationalism and how it affects our country. Despite the persuasion at school, students were pressured at home as well, one’s parents’ were also prepared with the word â€Å"coward†. Not all soldiers â€Å"volunteered†in the war, most were rather persuaded or forced. Although all the countries and its people have the same intention, they are fighting against each other It s queer, when one thinks about it, goes on Kropp, we are here to protect our fatherland. And the French are over there to protect their fatherland. Now who s in the right? (Remarque 9. 35) Countries had the
Monday, May 11, 2020
A DNA Bank Is Necessary Essay - 1472 Words
nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Imagine that a convicted child molester is released from jail and that he is now traveling around the country looking for work. One day this criminal returns to his old ways and he attacks a young child whose dead body is found in a deserted field the following day. The only trace of evidence at the crime scene is a semen specimen on the boys clothes. Now this specimen could be useful if the police tracked down, and arrested the suspect, and then took a blood sample of his that matched the crime scene specimen. But, since no other clues are found this criminal was never arrested and for the next couple years he repeated this act many more times. It is a shame that innocent children had to die because of this†¦show more content†¦This is why DNA can always, be traced back to one person (with the exception of identical twins). There are two tests for analyzing DNA for forensic use, Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (RFLP), and Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR). The RFLP test consists of taking a sample of body tissue which contains DNA. After locating the DNA thousands of different combinations of DNA repeats called Variable Number of Tandem Repeats (VNTR) are examined. These VNTR nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;There are a great number of reasons to have a DNA data bank, but first it is important to accurately describe the requirements for this DNA data bank. Only convicted criminals would be entered into the bank. Also, only Junk DNA would be kept as data, DNA that contains no personal or hereditary information. One advantage to a data bank will be the quick access to information. Prosecutors are going to be able to match the DNA collected at a crime scene with DNA that has already been collected in the bank and this will allow them to apply for a warrant faster. Take the case of Jean Ann Broderick. In 1991 she was found murdered and raped in her Minnesota apartment. There were no witnesses or evidence that led to any one suspect. The only lead at the crime scene was a semen stain on the victim. Minnesota at this time was one of the few states that had and used a DNA data bank of convicted criminals, soShow MoreRelatedThe Mechanical Basis Of Transcriptio n Coupled Repair1161 Words  | 5 PagesDNA repair in motion: The mechanical basis of transcription-coupled repair in prokaryotes Proper gene expression is crucial for normal physiological development. Unfortunately, the structural and functional integrity of cellular DNA is constantly at risk by intrinsic and extrinsic factors, from mistakes in metabolic processes to radiation damage. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Advances in Artificial Intelligence - 762 Words
â€Å"Artificial intelligence is growing up fast, as are robots whose facial expressions can elicit empathy and make your mirror neurons quiver†( Diane Ackerman). Today robots are used to do the same actions or jobs that are considered dangerous to humans. Robots are used because its cheaper, easier and sometimes its the only way to get things done. Robotics are the branch of technology that deals with the design, construction, operation, and application of robots. Robotics today are used to help improve healthcare, surgical procedures, and automobile driving. Robotics are helpful to mankind. Robots are helpful to mankind because robots are being used to improve health care. Stephen C. Schimpff states that robotics can potentially change the delivery of healthcare (parag.1). According to this statement robotics can give opportunities to increase the quality of care through clinical expertise and best practices. Robotics also offers opportunities for telementoring, training, and education while using a combination of robotics and telemedicine for healthcare. Jaimy Lee also states that robots are going to be put in the position of automate simple operational tasks or give new ways for physicians to talk with patients (parag.1). According to this statement robots can help physicians talk to their patients without being by their bedside. So basically robots can help the doctors take care of the patients when they are not around to take care of their patients. Government TechnologyShow MoreRelatedAdvances in Artificial Intelligence Essay2696 Words  | 11 PagesAdvances in Artificial Intelligence With advances in technology many researchers have become captivated with the pursuit of Artificial Intelligence. Numerous fields of study have tried to contribute their knowledge in order to create intelligence. However, years of research have thus far been unable to create human intelligence. The endeavour seems doomed to fail, for a century of thought which has tried to simply define intelligence has yet to succeed. This lack of a concrete tangible definitionRead MoreThe Age Of Artificial Intelligence1418 Words  | 6 PagesJennie Nguyen Ms.Decker Honors English IV 24 Sept. 2015 The Age of Artificial Intelligence â€Å"Intelligence is described as the ability to adapt to new environments and situations and being able to understand consequences and effects that your actions cause. This is something that all living creatures have in some way or another. Animals can adapt to their environments and react to interference, and plants do the same. Human intelligence, however, is in an entirely different ball park. With the upriseRead MoreFuture Of Life : Thanks With Artificial Intelligence1451 Words  | 6 PagesFuture of Life: Thanks to Artificial Intelligence Artificial Intelligence is soon to be a massively important and relevant part of our future. 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Ethical Issue While Artificial Intelligence is a huge technological advancement in our societyRead MoreHow Close Are We Really Artificial Intelligence?1249 Words  | 5 PagesHow Close Are We Really to Artificial Intelligence? In The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, written by Douglas Adams, a man named Arthur Dent wakes up and finds himself at the beginning of beyond a bad day. When he learns that a friend of his is actually an alien with advanced knowledge of Earth s impending destruction, he is transported off the Earth seconds before it is exploded to make way for a new hyperspace motorway. And as if that s not enough, throw in being wanted by the police, EarthRead MoreDisadvantages Of Artificial Intelligence909 Words  | 4 Pagesdeveloped new methods, ideas, and mechanisms to make our constantly changing lives easier. However, as we advance in society, controversies start up on the right and wrongs of how our mechanics or robots develop, specifically Artificial Intelligence robots. 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For example, its fictional character, Hal, is a sentient computer with intelligence that is almost identical to humans, programmed to achieve high-level tasks. When Hal, experiences a malfunction, it starts to develop a more unpredictable human-like behavior such as showing signs ofRead MoreDisadvantages Of Artificial Intelligence1603 Words  | 7 PagesArtificial Intelligence Introduction Artificial intelligence is the study and development of enabling computer and machine technology to learn, simulate intelligence, use logic, and perform tasks that are typically performed by humans. Artificial intelligence is an area of research that has been prone to controversy. Researchers are conflicted in regards to whether artificial intelligence is beneficial. Some believe that it will help solve many societal issues, others fear that it will cause further
A Model of Christian Charity Letter to Philip Sidney Free Essays
Winthrop, as mentioned before Is a dedicated Puritan, which are English colleens who believed that the Church of England was corrupt and needed to be â€Å"purified,†During this time period many Puritans and those of other religions were ridiculed and discriminated because of their faith. Many restrictions were placed on them, and additional taxes were added tot their Income. Winthrop believed the only way to purify the church was to leave England now and begin a new way of life. We will write a custom essay sample on A Model of Christian Charity Letter to Philip Sidney or any similar topic only for you Order Now In his essay describes his perfect society as the inhabitants begin one with God and each other. He implies that a move now is the best way to begin purification. Hastily, and English writer and geographer saw many benefits form the colonization of the New World. With his background in geography he knew that North America would be filled with various types of raw materials and wild life. His letter gave examples of this variety mentioning the different types of wood such as cedar, oak, walnut and sundry. He explained how these resources would not only benefit the colonies but also benefit England. He believed the resources available loud be able to be divided equally among the colonies and England. He also saw the financial benefits that they could come from colonization. Money was the most important reason for his proportions to colonize. Money was big factor in his argument. In these essays both Winthrop and Hastily emphasized that the best way to receive their desired outcome was to go now. To Hastily going now would be the best way to receive the maximum benefits from the North American raw materials. Winthrop believed leaving now was the only way to purify the church, saying that thing could be done for the church in England. Also stating the by leaving now would make the purification process to go faster. They also shared the ground on which they settled which was Massachusetts. They each believed a colony near the coast would help the more economically. A Model of Christian Charity Letter to Philip Sidney By larders published an essay to inform his followers of his solution to the problem if the corrupt Church of England. This solution in fact was moving to the New World. Richard Hastily, in 1582, sent a letter to Philip Sidney to inform of the great believed the solution to their issues was to go and colonized North America. Winthrop, as mentioned before is a dedicated Puritan, which are English citizens who believed that the Church of England was corrupt and needed to be â€Å"purified. †During this time period many Puritans and those of other religions were ridiculed additional taxes were added tot their income. Winthrop believed the only way to coast would help the more economically. How to cite A Model of Christian Charity Letter to Philip Sidney, Papers
looking at public administrati... free essay sample
looking at public administration one of the biggest theories is New Public Management (NPM). This new model was used by former british prime minister Margaret Thatcher, NPM is used by governments around the planet and really is one of the more influential organization theories. NPM was made to counter deficit and debt problems of governments, the distrust of the government , and globalization which led to the decline of a new economic order (Inwood, 2012). There are many things that are appealing about new public management; it ensures the bureaucracy does not grow to powerful, downsizing of the government to lighten financial deficits, and being a result oriented is also key to NPM. One of the biggest attraction to NPM has to do with the lack of confidence in state bureaucracy due to its overall weaknesses and failures. Although these allegations against state bureaucracy were always there in the past, the intensity of such anti-bureaucratic rhetoric was significantly increased during the 1980s and 1990s by the market-friendly ruling parties in advanced capitalist nations (Haque, 2009). It was a goal of governments to make the public service more business like and blame public service. NPM caught on further and built wide support by usinWhen g catchy slogans and images to mask reality (Zavattaro, 2014). Relentlessly being under fire, the change to a NPM system was inevitable. the tarnished image of the public service was reinforced further as most governments began to hold the expansive public sector responsible for causing budget deficits and fiscal crisis, and introduced market-driven policies and structural reforms in line with the NPM model. (Haque, 2009). When NPM was first coming out politicians would blame public servants for worsening socio economic problems to make themselves look good to the public, along with the change in political ideology, after reviewing the states role and with the increase of the influence of the private sector (Gal, 2014). The focus was on making the public services more like the private sector by remaking public services views that of business management views; to be more competitive, productive, efficient, creative and customer-friendly. (Haque, 2009).Traditional Bureaucracy worked well in the early 1900s, but in a world where information manipulates economy and instant communication from around the world, it is often criticized for being too big and too slow (Inwood, 2006). Bureaucracy is meant to control workers from the top of a hierarchy, but sending messages down to the bottom and back up to the top takes too long and it ends up delaying reactions to any situation.Another concern was that the public servants had grown too powerful, even more so than politicians. While the state bureaucracy is important, they should not have more power then our elected officials, while our government got so complex the public service was working against a countrys leadership (Inwood, 2012). The governments ov er emphasis on following rules, rather than setting goals based of what is needed, NPM is geared toward market competition based on businesslike values rather than democratic values (Zavattaro, 2014). When changing the public service to follow a more business like model, it is no surprise one of the main goals for NPM is to have better cost management. While politicians focus on goals service production and delivery in the public sector should be like a market; this would increased efficiency and lower costs to the government, and the taxpayer. Downsizing government was the goal for the public service when it comes to NPM, reducing the budget and cutting cost due to rising debts or government deficits was important when NPM first came out and still is a concern. NPM suggests that the activities of public sector organizations should be marketized, i.e. that organizations should define products and services which are sold to customers. (Verbeteen, 2011). The idea is commercialization of public service, privatization, deregulation and contracting out. Rivalry due to competition is a to lower costs, offer better quality and starts to treat citizens as customers giving them more choice that was lacking before. (Inwood, 2012). Responsibility,accountability and ?exibility are also key parts of NPM. With one of NPM main focuses being on cost management, responsibility plays a big role in ensuring individual responsibility, human resource responsibility, as well as being responsible for maintaining a budget. ensuring that every person does their job, every customer is happy and that you dont go over budget is vital. Since everyone is responsible for their actions in NPM, it makes everybody accountable for what they are doing (Mader, Mields Volmberg, 2007). NPM tries to replace controlling the process with controlling results. Being accountable is an added benefit of the NPM, instead of the state bureaucracy measuring own input, the risk of losing a contract based on lack of output will make those do the job work harder and smarter. The Flexibility of NPM is another reason people are attracted to NPM, it gives managers the ability to quickly respond to customer needs, as well as encouraging managers to be creative and take more risks. ?exibility in work performance and objectives while at the same time personal responsibility, performance and motivation are increased (Mader, Mields Volmberg, 2007).international financial institutions such as the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund would disseminate NPM ideas across the developing world. NPM became a key component in the structural adjustment programs promoted by these organizations. (Curran Verger, 2013). the influence of these institutions also played a role in the spread of NPM, believing the more macro-economic stability prescriptions to be effective. Though it is usually a economic or financial crisis that would bring forth reforms, some social democratic governments in scandinavian countries have adopted NPM ideas that originally came as a way to try to modernize public education, public health or the pension system, bring about more choice for those who need it (Curran Verger, 2013). Another reason NPM spread like it did was its intent to include all citizens. government ought to be community-owned and that the role of government is to empower citizens and communities to exercise self-governance. (Miller Dunn 2006). Instead of having citizens as just recipients of public services they can engaged in the process of deciding what those services look like. NPM should get the active participation of the biggest number of people and institutions in the decision-making proce ss. This local community decides how and what services are being delivered (Miller Dunn 2006)
Thursday, April 30, 2020
Bubonic Plague Essay Example For Students
Bubonic Plague Essay Christians and Muslims both believed that the plague was sent by a higher power. Ironically, they both also believed that it was God sending a message to punish the people for what they had done wrong. During the time of the plague, many people could not understand where it came from. Initially people believed that it was caused by an alignment with planets. Some other theories were that the Jews came to poison the Christians, evil deamons were about in the towns, and the earth was letting out fumes. There must have been some other cause such as, for instance, the will of God, or corrupt humours and the badness of air and earth; although perhaps such poisonings, where they did occur, were a contributory factor. (251) Eventually, most religions settled on a common cause. God. Both Christians and Muslims alike felt that God was trying to punish them. Most people felt that it was God, upset from all of the sins committed. Muslims stated that It is punishment that God inflicts on whom he wills, but He has granted a modicum of clemency with respect to Believers. (253) The Christians had a like statement, claiming It should be known to all Christians that pestilence, and every other manifestation of Gods vengeance arises because of sin Pestilence arises from multitude a of sins, must most especially from swearing worthless, deceitful and meaningless oaths. (258). Although the real reason for the Plague is awfully unclear still to this day, people do know that it was spread by rats. The Christians and the Muslims believed that Gos was hurting them for betraying him.
Saturday, March 21, 2020
How to Pronounce Consonants in Italian
How to Pronounce Consonants in Italian Here are some basic pronunciation rules, tips, and practice words for Italian consonants. All whose pronunciation is similar to, yet distinct from that of the single consonant. This could result in confusion like saying â€Å"andremo - we will go†instead of â€Å"andremmo - we would go.†Italian is a phonetic language, which means that it’s spoken the way it’s written. B, F, M, N, V The consonants not listed below (b, f, m, n, v) are pronounced as in English. The approximate English equivalents are as follows: c before a, o, and u is like the English k. casa - housefico - figcon - withColosseo - Colosseumcane - dogcaffà ¨ - coffee c before -e or -i is like the English sound ch in chest. cena - dinnervoce - voicecibo - foodconcerto - concertcipolla - onionfacile - easy ch (found only before -e or -i) is like the English k. che - thatchimica - chemistryperchà © - becausechilo - kilochi - whochiuso - closedanche - also D d is somewhat more explosive than in English, with the tongue near the tip of the upper teeth but with no aspiration. di - ofdata - datedove - wheredue - twododici - twelvedonna - womanlunedà ¬ - Mondaymoda - fashionundici - eleven G g before a, o, and u is as in the English word go. albergo - hotelgamba - leggusto - tastegonna - skirtgomma - eraserlungo - longguanti - glovesguidare - to drivelingua - tongue g before -e or -i is like the g in gem. gelato - ice creamangelo - angelpagina - pagegente - peoplegentile - kindgennaio - January GH gh (found only before -e or -i) is like the g in go. laghi - lakesmaghi - magicians GLI gli is approximately like ll in million. meglio - betterfigli - sonsfamiglia - familyaglio - garlicfogli - sheets (of paper)bottiglia - bottle GN gn is approximately like ny in canyon. signora - ladysignore - gentlemanbagno - bathsogno - dreamlasagne - lasagnaspugna - sponge H h is silent ho - I haveha - hasahi! - ouch!hanno - they have I l is as in English, but sharper and more forward in the mouth. olio - oillingua - languagesale - saltmelone - melonluna - moonscuola - school P p is as in English but without the aspiration that sometimes accompanies this sound in English. pane - breadpatata - potatopepe - pepperpap - dadponte - bridgepasto - mealpronuncia - pronunciationpsicologo - psychologist QU qu is always pronounced like the English qu in quest. questo - thisquinto - fifthquale - whichquanto - how muchquadro - picturequalit - quality R r is different from the English r; it is pronounced with one flip of the tongue against the gums of the upper teeth. This is the trilled r. ora - nowalbergo - hotelbaritono - baritonearte - artorologio - watchporta - door S s is sometimes like the English s in house. soggiorno - living roomtesta - headstanza - roomfesta - party; holidayposta - mail s is sometimes (but always before b, d, g, l, m, n, r, and v) like the English s in rose. rosa - rosetesoro - treasurefrase - phrasesbaglio - mistakeesercizio - exercisemusica - music SC sc before a, o, or u is like sk in ask. ascoltare - to listenscuola - schoolpesca - peachtasca - pockettoscano - Tuscanscarpa - shoescultura - sculpture sc before -e or -i is like the English sound sh in fish. sci - skipesce - fishconoscere - to knowscena - scenescendere - to descenduscita - exit SCH sch occurs only before -e or -i, and is pronounced like the English sk. pesche - peachestasche - pocketsscheletro - skeletonlische - fishbones T t is approximately the same as in English but no escaping of breath accompanies it in Italian. contento - gladcarta - paperarte  artmatita - pencilturista - touristantipasto - appetizertelefono - telephonetesta - head Z z is sometimes voiceless, like ts is bets. negozio - storemarzo - Marchgrazie - thank youdizionario - dictionary z is sometimes voiced, like ds in beds. zero - zeropranzo - lunchromanzo - novelzanzara - mosquito Note: When ci, gi, and sci are followed by -a, -o, or -u, unless the accent falls on the -i, the -i is not pronounced. The letter -i merely indicates that c, g, and sc are pronounced, respectively, like the English ch, g (as in gem), and sh. arancia - orangegiornale - newspaperciliegia - cherrysalsiccia - sausagecamicia - shirtscienza - science
Thursday, March 5, 2020
7 Things Youre Not Doing That Will Get You Promoted in 2017
7 Things Youre Not Doing That Will Get You Promoted in 2017 Been in your job a couple of years and feel you’re ready to take the next step? Watching select few of your colleagues move up the ladder while the vast majority of you are still stuck in your old jobs? Trying to figure out what to do to be one of those select few? If you’re itching to get to the next rung, here are a few steps you can take to put yourself in prime position.1. Get clear on your value.Chances are your boss is not just magically aware of all the great work you’ve done so far. Maybe you’ve lost sense of it too. So start by making a list of your accomplishments. Detail the projects you’ve been a part of, the teams you’ve led, the accolades you’ve earned. Make yourself a â€Å"brag†folder of your quantifiable accomplishments, those concrete examples of the results you have produced. Be ready to outline all of this to your boss when the time comes.2. Clarify your expectations.You can do all the work you want in one d irection, but you won’t get anywhere if it’s not the same direction as your boss would like. Ask your boss, frankly, what you would need to do to exceed her expectations and be in line for advancement. Make a list of what she says and start following it to the letter. Don’t be afraid to state outright that you’re interested in promotion and eager to do whatever it takes- and to ask exactly that â€Å"whatever it takes†would entail.3. Ask for a review.It never hurts to mention that you’re eager for a quarterly or six-month review. If you have this system set up, you can be sure of feedback four times a year. This will help you fine tune what you’re working towards and make sure to stay on the same page as your boss. Eventually, you’ll both be ready for you to advance to the next level.4. Tell your boss your value.This is a case, unfortunately, where you have to tell not show. And be sure to do it in advance of the time when you would ideally want to receive said promotion. Compile your accomplishments list, walk into your boss’s office, and be ready to make your case. That way, when it comes time for decisions, she will have all of the information.5. Find a friend in HR.It never hurts to have a wee birdie to tell you when certain positions might be coming open in the future. It will help you hit the ground running with your wow-the-boss plan. Having a pal in HR can help you keep an ear out for promotion opportunities in other departments as well.6. Go for more.Push yourself to go that extra mile, beyond your job description. Take on that project that’s a bit of a stretch for you. Take on a leadership opportunity you might not have gone for otherwise. Distinguish yourself from your peers.7. Go outside.If it becomes clear that you’re getting passed over unfairly for promotions at your company, start looking at other companies. Start thinking how you can make a move to a higher level pos ition (with a nice salary bump to boot!). This keeps your options open and has the added benefit of making you that much more attractive to your current employer.
Monday, February 17, 2020
Reflection on team work asignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Reflection on team work asignment - Essay Example Earlier this semester we prepared a report discussing management and leadership styles of different organizations. It was identified that companies such as Proctor and Gamble has acquired significant position in the market on the basis of their profound leadership whereas on the other hand Royal bank of Scotland has undergone serious challenges due to their poor management. The report further discussed management and leadership approaches considering four other organizations. Preparation and presentation of the report was solely based on team work and group effectiveness. Here, we not only learned different theories related to leadership and management rather we also comprehended unique human behaviors in work place setting. My group comprised of four individuals; Alex, Ashley, Helena and Stella. All the activities and different presentation tasks were divided among team members. The team effectiveness and successful presentation was largely dependent upon clear communication and und erstanding among individuals. In order to discuss theories and models about team work it is important to first understand the fundamental concept of teams. Every individual working in a team is actually interdependent with respect to different tasks. Team members have to share the responsibility of positive or negative outcomes (Halverson, 2008). Moreover, the entire team must show itself as an integral social entity. Members should be able to manage all their conflicts and issues across the boundaries of an organization or an educational institution. Groups and teams have the basic difference of connection, for instance, teams are more connected whereas group members usually have loose connections (Halverson, 2008). Humans have highly dynamic personalities. They tend to act differently in particular workplace situations. Researchers argue that work place human behavior is specifically determined by analyzing multiple factors. Although work motivation,
Monday, February 3, 2020
Corperate strategy of TCL Multimedia Assignment
Corperate strategy of TCL Multimedia - Assignment Example This company was founded in 1982. It started its business as an audiotape manufacturing company. Its co- founders, Li Dongsheng gradually moved this company forward in the business of consumer electronics product. TCL got good reputation by the production of handsets for fixed-line telephones. This product established a trust in consumers. In the next decade TCL started producing audio equipment made in a joint venture. TCL also invested in the research and development (R&D) and focused on new product development and efficient production. TCL also developed a distribution and marketing network across China. The management was quite progressive and they were not satisfied with the performance of the state owned distributors and private marketing organizations. The dynamic and rapidly growing Chinese economy greatly owe its rapid growth to the Chinese companies. These companies not only come in contact with foreigners as a source of technology or assets, but also as a market for there own products. They are quite ambitious also, many companies aim to build global brands. The leading Chinese electrical appliance company Haier has 13 sites overseas, including factories. TCL is considered China's second biggest television maker has also invested in television manufacture outside China. Various model and methods have been evolved by scholars of management and corporate field for analyzing the external and internal environment of the company. It seems quite appropriate to use the PEST and SWOT models for analyzing TCL external and internal environment. 2.1 PEST Analysis PEST Analysis is used for analyzing macro environment of company. Four factors Political , Economic , Social , Technological is considered during this type of analysis. Assessment of the impact of all these factors plays an important role in evaluating the environment of a company. Political Factors World is virtually being ruled by multi-nationals. These multi-nationals are powerful enough to influence the decision making process of world's leading powers directly or indirectly. These multi-nationals are getting bigger and bigger by mergers and acquisitions. In such scenario Chinese companies are also playing very effective role. They are very successfully competing with European companies and US. In past it Chinese economy was considered closed and state owned economy. But now it is gradually opening and private companies are playing their role in the changed political atmosphere. TCL is one of such companies that is expanding and has been successful in getting good market share in TV market. Economic Factors TCL 's results of 2004-2005 show that its position in the market is continuously improving. TCL is a leading consumer electronics manufacturer within China. The company has begun to enter in international television markets by using majority-owned joint ventures techniques.
Sunday, January 26, 2020
The Ottawa Charter For Health Promotion Social Work Essay
The Ottawa Charter For Health Promotion Social Work Essay Health, Wellbeing and Quality of Life is defined in different ways due to circumstances of the person it represents comparing age and gender brings different results as so does the economic status of the person and what social class they belong Blaxter (1990) study of health and lifestyle of 9000 people in the UK showed that a percentage of people could not tell when they were healthy only that they knew when they are unwell peoples perceptions of health show in studies that the elderly define health and quality of life as being able to move around where as a younger person might think running a marathon or going to a gym make you healthy. Disease can have a major negative impact on health and wellbeing feeling that a label has been placed on someone makes them feel that they are now classed as defective and this knocks confidence to improve their situation and they fail to regain a better quality of life Exploring different sectors of society we see a bigger picture that health, wel lbeing and quality of life means different things to everyone Elderly people have experienced many changes over the years physically and mentally their bodies no longer agile as when they were young making simple tasks around the home a challenge mobility has one of the biggest impacts stair climbing and general moving around safely in the home impact on how the older person feels their quality of life is now compared to how they were younger physical impairments sight and hearing loss weakening of limbs and arthritic conditions makes the person feel they can no longer lead a fulfilling life and fear losing their independence With health promotion to improve the quality of life of elderly people service improvements can be put into place including community care and day centres (Hubley and Copeman 2010 p104) provisions to make the home safer and providing equipment such as walking aids and stairlifts which the local authority may help to fund also the local council can supply nutritious meals through its meals on wheels service ensuring the elderly person gets hot food. Another major factor in the United Kingdom that affects quality of life and health is housing according to the World Health Organization the conditions of living in insufficient housing has contributing factors to numerous avertable maladies amongst these include respirational problems, nervous system, diseases of the heart and cancer So for the lower class people those who fall into the scale of poverty, homeless including those living in temporary accommodation and the unemployed their quality of life will be impaired as there are very little options in where they reside with council and housing waiting lists at an all-time high over 1.7 million households are currently waiting for social housing (Shelter 2012) private rented accommodation is another option but with unscrupulous landlords looking to make easy money and not maintaining their properties people are living in dangerous and unhealthy conditions properties may have damp issues which affect the respiratory system causing such ailments as asthma and bronchitis as well as suffering more colds and flu although these are treatable with medication or by moving home then a person can regain a better quality of life another problem facing the lower class is stress living in unsuitable accommodation or in a poor run-down neighbourhoods with anti-social problems such as drug abuse and noise the stress can put a strain on family relationships causing arguments and unhappiness the area may not be safe for children to play out and this affects the quality of life not only of adults but children suffer too and this may affect their schooling by ill health causing time off on the other scale of the ladder we see people who are in steady employment and have the finances to purchase their own property in areas of their own choosing these people have a better quality of life and health as they have the finances for improved medical and health treatment and with the satisfaction of achievement of having better things owning a home, career, financial security, car and holidays Most have found they are in the sector who are enjoying health, wellbeing and quality of life A decent home is fundamental to peoples well-being (Shelter 2007) One of the most traumatic and stressful things a person can go through in life is finding themselves homeless there are many reasons why this may happen a private landlord may decide to sell the house they have been leasing out or it could be a breakdown of a relationship or having to flee domestic violence there have been a significant amount of homes being repossessed as people cant keep up the mortgage payments due to job loss, ill health or financial problems There are also other reasons why a person might find themselves homeless such as a person from another country seeking asylum in the UK everyones experience of homelessness is different for some people they will find themselves staying with family or friends others especially families who cannot be found a home immediately will be placed in temporary accommodation where they may have to share facilities such as bathroom and kitchen this can make a person feel degraded accommodation may not be found in the local vicinity meaning people may be far away from family and friends and they can feel isolated For those not so fortunate to have temporary accommodation because of issues such as mental health, drug and alcohol abuse these people may find themselves sleeping rough on the streets or squatting in unsafe and unsanitary conditions the charity St Mungos based in London hold a survey of the homeless people who attend their centre each year and the findings show that there is very poor health amongst the homeless people as shown in their 2012 survey 64% had a physical health condition and 70% were suffering mental health problems (see Appendix A,B and C) the survey clearly shows that most of the homeless people suffered a poor quality of health for some a change is possible with medication to improve mental health or people addressing their addictions and seeking help from medical or self-help group taking responsibility will empower the person to lead a better life with the possibility of getting a home and job a person can then gain back a good quality of life Everyone has a responsibility for their own health and well-being for others higher up the social ladder this is easier as they have safer cleaner living conditions and access to private medical care and facilities where this may be impossible for others such as the homeless and gypsys who are constantly moving around and may not have access to facilities education can play a good part in giving advice to these sectors especially on the importance of childhood vaccinations to prevent the spread of diseases and infections such as chicken pox, Measles and whooping cough and provide advice to the elderly who may need care for arthritis and other ageing conditions with health promotion members of the community who are trusted can relay the information and help improve the communities health. the Government and National Health Service have set up many schemes to help people with addictions, healthy eating, exercise and unemployment initiatives Charitys such as Shelter provide help on hous ing crisis and homelessness and Age UK help promote advice and services to help the elderly community It is possible with knowledge to make changes and to some degree people can experience health, wellbeing and quality of life. Appendix A, Appendix B, Appendix C ,
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Conclusion To Financial Statement
ConclusionThis Project has been very useful to me because I learned how to prepare cash flow statements and ratio analysis. This has improved my knowledge on financial statements which is very useful in business and commerce ever day. The work I did in this project has helped me to understand the techniques, applications and usefulness of financial statements to understand the performance of a particular company or enterprise without much difficulty and also understand how to prepare them in future. I came to the following conclusion while preparing this project.Purposes of Financial AnalysisJudging The Earning Capacity On the basis of the financial analysis, the earning capacity of the business concern may be computed. In addition to this, the future earning capacity of the concern may also be forecasted. All the external users of accounts, specially the investors and potential investors are interested in this.Judging The Managerial EfficiencyThe financial statement analysis helps t o pinpoint the areas where in the managers have shown better efficiency and the areas of inefficiency. For example, using financial ratios, it is possible to analyze relative proportion of production, administrative and marketing expenses. Any favorable or unfavorable variations can be identified and reasons thereof can be ascertained to pinpoint managerial efficiency and deficiency Judging The Short-term & Long-term Efficiency Of The Enterprise On the basis of financial analysis, long-term as well as short-term solvency of the concern may be judged. Creditors or suppliers are interested to know the short-term solvency/liquidity of the concern i.e. ability to meet short-term liabilities. Debenture holders and lenders judge the ability of the company to pay the principal amount and interest on the basis of financial analysisInter-Firm ComparisonInter-firm comparison becomes easy with the help of financial analysis. It helps in assessing own performance as well as that of others, i f merges and acquisitions are to be considered. Making Forecasts & Preparing BudgetsPast financial statement analysis helps a great deal in assessing developments in the future, especially the next year. For example, given a certain investment, it may be possible to forecast the next year’s profit on the basis of earning capacity shown in the past. Analysis thus helps in preparing the budgets.UnderstandableFinancial analysis helps the users of the financial statements to understand the complicated matter in simplified manner. Different date can be made more attractive by charts and diagrams which can be easily understoodUses of Financial StatementSecurity AnalysisIt is a process by which the investor comes to know whether the firm is fulfilling hi expectation with regard to payment of dividend, capital appreciation and security of money. Such analysis is done by a security analyst who is interested in cash-generating ability, dividend payout policy and the behavior of share p ricesCredit AnalysisSuch analysis is useful when a firm offers credit to a new customer or a dealer. The manager of the firm would like to know whether to extend credit to them or not. Such analysis is also useful for a bank before granting loan to the public.Debt AnalysisSuch analysis is done by the firm to know the borrowing capacity of a prospective borrower.Dividend DecisionFinancial analysis helps the firm in deciding about the rate of dividend. Management would have to decide about how much portion of earnings to distribute and how much to retain. Such decisions indicate the profitability of the firm and hence to some extent affect the behavior of share pricesGeneral Business AnalysisFinancial analysis can be used to identify the profit drivers and business risks in order to assess the profit potential of the firm. It helps in the future growth scenarios of the firm Limitations Of Financial StatementHistorical AnalysisFinancial statement analysis is a historical analysis. I t analysis what has happened till date. It does not reflect the future. Person like shareholders, investors, etc are more interested in knowing the likely position in the future.Ignore Price Level ChangesPrice level changes and purchasing power of money are inversely related. A change in the price level makes analysis of financial statements of different accounting years invalid because accounting records ignore change in the value of moneyQualitative Aspects IgnoredSince the financial statements are confined to the monetary matters alone, the qualitative aspects like the quality of management, quality of labor force, public relations are ignored while carrying out the analysis of financial statementNot Free From BiasIn many situations, the accountant has to make a choice out of alternative available, e.g. choice in the method of inventory valuation or choice in the method of depreciation. Since the subjectively is inherent in personal judgment, the financial statements are, therefo re, not free from biasVariation In Account PracticesFor inter-firm comparison, it is necessary that accounting practices followed by the firms don’t vary significantly. As there may be variations in accounting practices followed by different firms, a meaningful comparison of their financial statements is not possible Conclusion To Financial Statement This Project has been very useful to me because I learned how to prepare cash flow statements and ratio analysis. This has improved my knowledge on financial statements which is very useful in business and commerce ever day. The work I did in this project has helped me to understand the techniques, applications and usefulness of financial statements to understand the performance of a particular company or enterprise without much difficulty and also understand how to prepare them in future. I came to the following conclusion while preparing this project.Purposes of Financial AnalysisJudging The Earning CapacityOn the basis of the financial analysis, the earning capacity of the business concern may be computed. In addition to this, the future earning capacity of the concern may also be forecasted. All the external users of accounts, specially the investors and potential investors are interested in this.Judging The Managerial EfficiencyThe financial statement analysis helps to pinpoint the areas where in the managers have shown better efficiency and the areas of inefficiency. For example, using financial ratios, it is possible to analyze relative proportion of production, administrative and marketing expenses.Any favorable or unfavorable variations can be identified and reasons thereof can be ascertained to pinpoint managerial efficiency and deficiency Judging The Short-term & Long-term Efficiency Of The Enterprise On the basis of financial analysis, long-term as well as short-term solvency of the concern may be judged.Creditors or suppliers are interested to know the short-term solvency/liquidity of the concern i.e. ability to meet short-term liabilities. Debenture holders and lenders judge the ability of the company to pay the principal amount and interest on the basis of financial analysisInter-Firm ComparisonInter-firm comparison becomes easy with the help of financial analysis. It helps in assessing own performance as well as that of others, if merges and acq uisitions are to be considered. Making Forecasts & Preparing BudgetsPast financial statement analysis helps a great deal in assessing developments in the future, especially the next year. For example, given a certain investment, it may be possible to forecast the next year’s profit on the basis of earning capacity shown in the past. Analysis thus helps in preparing the budgets.UnderstandableFinancial analysis helps the users of the financial statements to understand the complicated matter in simplified manner. Different date can be made more attractive by charts and diagrams which can be easily understood Uses of Financial StatementSecurity AnalysisIt is a process by which the investor comes to know whether the firm is fulfilling hi expectation with regard to payment of dividend, capital appreciation and security of money. Such analysis is done by a security analyst who is interested in cash-generating ability, dividend payout policy and the behavior of share pricesCredit Ana lysisSuch analysis is useful when a firm offers credit to a new customer or a dealer. The manager of the firm would like to know whether to extend credit to them or not. Such analysis is also useful for a bank before granting loan to the public.Debt AnalysisSuch analysis is done by the firm to know the borrowing capacity of a prospective borrower.Dividend DecisionFinancial analysis helps the firm in deciding about the rate of dividend. Management would have to decide about how much portion of earnings to distribute and how much to retain. Such decisions indicate the profitability of the firm and hence to some extent affect the behavior of share pricesGeneral Business AnalysisFinancial analysis can be used to identify the profit drivers and business risks in order to assess the profit potential of the firm. It helps in the future growth scenarios of the firm Limitations Of Financial StatementHistorical AnalysisFinancial statement analysis is a historical analysis. It analysis what ha s happened till date. It does not reflect the future. Person like shareholders, investors, etc are more interested in knowing the likely position in the future.Ignore Price Level ChangesPrice level changes and purchasing power of money are inversely related. A change in the price level makes analysis of financial statements of different accounting years invalid because accounting records ignore change in the value of moneyQualitative Aspects IgnoredSince the financial statements are confined to the monetary matters alone, the qualitative aspects like the quality of management, quality of labor force, public relations are ignored while carrying out the analysis of financial statementNot Free From BiasIn many situations, the accountant has to make a choice out of alternative available, e.g. choice in the method of inventory valuation or choice in the method of depreciation. Since the subjectively is inherent in personal judgment, the financial statements are, therefore, not free from biasVariation In Account PracticesFor inter-firm comparison, it is necessary that accounting practices followed by the firms don’t vary significantly. As there may be variations in accounting practices followed by different firms, a meaningful comparison of their financial statements is not possible
Friday, January 10, 2020
Where to Find Persuasive Essay Topics That Dont Require a Bibliography
Where to Find Persuasive Essay Topics That Don't Require a Bibliography A History of Persuasive Essay Topics That Don't Require a Bibliography Refuted You may still must submit an essay if you wish to find the most competitive scholarships. UChicago, or another school of Ivy League, you will want to prepare an essay. You are able to reuse your essays for all of the colleges. Writing a great persuasive essay is not a simple job, however, it's achievable. The significant distinction is that the argumentative essay should demonstrate a discussion rather than a single opinion. In such situations, finding persuasive essays is actually challenging. Check whether the college makes it possible for you to submit samples of your work associated with your major, portfolios, or other things that permits you to make a more powerful case for yourself. So as to stick out among other applicants you simply have to be a bit more creative in figuring out how to tell your story. Remember narrative essay conclusion is about the effect of the story. A survival program should develop into a must-have for every single family in the event of natural disasters. A conclusion is, without doubt, the most essential portion of the argumentative essay since you can either support the superior impression or destroy it entirely. An effective method to confirm the increase of harmful families of agarics. There are a big number of such companies providing essay writers, but should you decide on this path, due diligence is important to make certain that the job will be finished right. The issue, nevertheless, is that not all businesses can be relied on to deliver quality essays on time so you need to be mindful in selecting one. You may continue to keep your argumentative essays for your upcoming job portfolio in case they're highly graded. If you're concerned about writing application essays for a single reason or another, the very good choice for you will be applyi ng to a school that doesn't require that you compose essays. Sample persuasive essays can also give inspiration on topics to write on in addition to serve as examples about how to compose your essay. It is not a place to be insecure. Persuasive essays aren't found even on the world wide web. The most effective persuasive short essays often concentrate on controversial problems. When it is stressful that you compose essays or you have very limited time, you may always utilize help of professionals who will help you in crafting an expert essay. If you're an excellent writer you, you will definitely need to write college essays to reveal your writing abilities. When you receive a task done from us you will return again if you need assistance with another one of your essays. From time to time, the students make usage of internet custom made essay writing companies offering custom papers and other kinds of writings. The Meaning of Persuasive Essay Topics That Don't Require a Bibliography In compliance with the typical college applications, students were required to compose an essay to demonstrate commitment to admissions. In such a scenario, a student must decide on an ideal topic to write about. Thirdly, many students do not understand where to begin and what things to include in summarizing a source. Today, most college students find it difficult to co mpose an essay on a specific topic. Such colleges may also attract highly qualified candidates so as to be their safety school since they won't will need to compose more essays or do additional work. Other colleges will enable you to submit an activity resume. A few of the colleges at the exact same time may need an essay with their very own additional applications. Don't automatically feel that colleges which don't require college applications essays are only the ones which are the simplest to get into. Ruthless Persuasive Essay Topics That Don't Require a Bibliography Strategies Exploited Regrettably, it is not accurate. This isn't always true, there may be exceptions. This format is comparable to that of a persuasive speech. Annotated bibliography template is going to be a vivid example and you are going to be able to produce an outstanding annotation with no mistakes and flaws!
Wednesday, January 1, 2020
Who Is The Client Essay - 1826 Words
The client is an eight-year old Latino female who has been diagnosed with ADHD, present the symptoms that meet a diagnosis of opposition defiant disorder, adjustment disorder with anxiety, and adjustment disorder with disturbance of emotions and conduct. The client suffers from depression, too. The client lives in foster homes with two other foster children, male and female, which are around the same age as the client. For the most part, the client gets along with the foster children, but struggles to get along with children at school. Also the client is known to talk back to her foster parents. At school the client hits, pulls, and trips other children. The client also starts fights while at the park. The foster mother would hopefully like to adopt the client if family reunification is to fail. However, the foster family is now having concerns as to how they would manager her aggression if they were to adopt the client. The client does have a therapist and a wraparound team for supp orts as well her biological aunt and foster family. The client’s biological mother is a drug addict and substance abuse user. The client’s mother had her at age 13 (the mother is known not show the client any affection or support). The client and her mother have a strange relationship. The biological mother can be inappropriate and rude to the client during visits (talks about how the client is overweight). Mindfulness Training: MSWI is not aware if the client has been exposed to mindfulnessShow MoreRelatedWho Is The Client?1458 Words  | 6 PagesThe Client The client is a 58-year-old male who lives at home with his wife and daughter. He also works at home as a Financial Adviser. He is ex-army (16  ½ years), and while he was in the army he also competed in pole vault. He has complained of right knee pain that has been present for 20 years on and off. In the past 3-5 years there has been a greater rate of deterioration. He has had physiotherapy on the NHS and seen a chiropractor at a private clinic but there has been no significant improvementRead MoreWho Is The Client?1648 Words  | 7 Pagessetting, weather, and appeared his stated chronological age. Typically, the client wears t-shirts, a jacket and cargo pants with sneakers or boots. The client has multiple tattoos on his forearms and upper chest and neck area that are typically visible during sessions. He is of average stature and would be considered average weight. David appeared to have normal grooming and hygiene habits. Speaking for his posture, the client typically display ed a normal posture, however he slouched back or tensedRead MoreWho Is Client Directed Outcome Informed ( Cdoi )?1668 Words  | 7 PagesWhat is Client-Directed Outcome-Informed (CDOI)? The following two prominent research literatures became the foundation for Client directed outcome informed (CDOI): 1. A client’s improvement was related to the high level of the engagement of the therapeutic relationship; and 2. Change of the client’s personal experience is imperative in the early stages of therapy it is also reliable in predicting if the therapist is right for the client and the right treatment plan is utilized, (Duncan, MillerRead MoreWho Is Client Directed Outcome Informed ( Cdoi )?1668 Words  | 7 PagesWhat is Client-Directed Outcome-Informed (CDOI)? The following two prominent research literatures became the foundation for Client directed outcome informed (CDOI): 1. A client’s improvement was related to the high level of the engagement of the therapeutic relationship; and 2. 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I have had every support system available to me to provide a safe, healthy atmosphere for optimal development. This does not mean I was handed everything to me in life but that I had very little barriers to pursue opportunities. My client is the opposite. From every developmental stage to systems and subsystems in her life she was met with adversity, trauma. She was deprived basic needs of life in addition to educationalRead MoreWorking in Partnership with Patients/ Clients Who Self Administer Medication2416 Words  | 10 Pagesï » ¿ Working in partnership with patients/ clients who self administer medication A literature review Self-management has become a concept adopted by the Department of Health (DH) to enable people with chronic health conditions to become the controlling entity over their illness therefore promoting independence and psychological well being. Initiatives that recommend this practice are National Service Framework for chronic disease management and self-care (DH 2002) and National Service FrameworkRead MoreWho Is The Client Meets All Criteria For Bipolar I Due?1511 Words  | 7 PagesBased on my clinical judgement, I believe the client meets all criteria for Bipolar I due to the following. Criteria A requires a distinct more than one week of abnormal and persistent expansive or irritable mood. According to the narrative, the client has demonstrated excessive energy that last from a few day to several weeks reported from his wife prior to his current hospitalization state. Criteria B requires three or more symptoms to a significant effect and represent noticeable change from usualRead MoreThe Effects Of Animal Based Therapy Practices On Clients Who Have Nonfluent Aphasia Therapy2115 Words  | 9 Pagesand language intervention. This study specifically examines the effects of animal based therapy practices on clients who have nonfluent aphasia. A pretest posttest control group design will be utilized to determine the overall effectiveness and client satisfaction of animal based therapy in comparison to typically utilized aphasia therapy. Results will be determined by observing the clients performance throughout the session as well as through surveys. Introduction The effects ofRead MoreFinancial Modeling Techniques For Risk Adverse Client Who Is Seeking For Long Term Investment2960 Words  | 12 Pagesassigned to recommend suitable portfolios for our risk-adverse client who is seeking for long term investment. Three distinctive stocks from different industries in Australia have been selected to contribute the profitable portfolio, including National Australia Bank Limited (NAB), Woolworths Limited (WOW) and REA Group Ltd (REA). These three stocks are listed on the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) 100 index. According to the demand of client, we first identified the portfolio with the lowest risk
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