Monday, December 16, 2019

The Brown vs Board of Education Case Free Essays

Fifty years ago when the decision was handed down in the Brown vs Board of Education case segregated school systems came to a screeching halt. Five decades later there are still hot debates on the effectiveness of such a ruling. Today, while schools are not legally segregated, there are segregation trends because of the way populations gather in areas and the local schools are impacted by such populations. We will write a custom essay sample on The Brown vs Board of Education Case or any similar topic only for you Order Now Laws have been in place to prevent segregation and children have been bused across town to try and achieve racial balance, but recent changes to legislation have stopped that as well. Today, the nation is divided on the segregated school issue once again. The main theme of the first article is that segregation in schools today, does not take on the same meaning as it did when the Brown decision was handed down. Today, according to the author population imbalance has more to do with population desires to be located near each other, as is the case with many Spanish speaking and European areas of the nation(Mckenna 1995). According to the author, segregation in this case is a positive thing as it places people of the same language in the same area thereby reducing fear and inability to function until the children can develop stronger English skills(Mckenna 1995). The author believes that the answer to racism is not to force busing or other methods that will put children in diverse school populations. Instead, the author believes racism can be ended by working on society as a whole and embracing the very differences that make America the nation that it is today. For the most part I agree with the article. I know if I did not speak English I would be hesitant to allow my child to be bused across the city just for the sake of racial balance within the school system. I would prefer to keep them close to a familiar area with their familiar language being spoken. I do not agree however with the statement that segregated schools are not evil. I believe there is a fine line between not pushing kids and letting them be left behind. If we do not force the balance of race within the school system we must instead be very careful not to let the minority school systems fall by the wayside when it comes to funding and other things that make education possible. In the second article the author believes that segregated schools put certain students at a disadvantage. Citing the problems including not preparing children for a naturally diverse society the author believes it is essential to mix the races while students are young enough to embrace such cultural differences(Droesch, 1996). â€Å"With or without a desegregation plan in place, many of our children continue to experience segregation and racial bias in school. If our children continue to live in racially polarized communities and attend segregated schools, they will be at a distinct disadvantage in today’s global village. For all of our region’s youth to meet the challenges of working in a multicultural world, they must have the opportunity to learn in an environment that advocates inclusion and respect for diversity(Droesch, 1996).† The author believes desegregation plans for school systems is a beginning step to solving the problem of racism in America. I agree that segregated schools will cause a continued polarized attitude. I agree with the author that we must prepare our nation†s children for a racially diverse community. I believe it is important to reach students when they are young and most open to diversity. This will assist in the nation†s global effort to stop racism. I agree more with the second article than the first one if language barriers are taken out of the equation. How to cite The Brown vs Board of Education Case, Papers

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