Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Black Resilience Against Violence Effects Essay - 1559 Words

Black Resilience against Violence Effects (BRAVE) is an intervention that aims to empower Black youth with access to culturally-sensitive, mental health treatment for depression and suicide as well as resources to become involved within the political sector of social justice issues, such as police violence on Black lives. The target populations of this intervention are Black youth in middle school and high school who have shown behaviors in relation to depression and suicide ideation and reside in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma and St. Louis, Missouri, regardless of socioeconomic status and gender. Oklahoma City Police Department is one of the largest city police departments that has killed civilians at the highest rate in 2015. In fact, the average rate of police killings of Black individuals is 108.1 per million people, while the rate for all citizens in Oklahoma is 24.52 per million. According to the U.S 2010 Census, Black citizens make up 15.1% of the total population in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma and only 8% in the entire state (Mapping Police Violence 2015). Even though this racial group is less predominant in this area, unarmed Black individuals are more than 4x as likely to be killed by law enforcement than their white counterparts. In addition, the St. Louis Police Department is 1 out of 14 police departments that has killed only Black individuals with a rate of 9.5 police killings per million people. Unlike Oklahoma City, Black Americans make up 49.2% of the total populationShow MoreRelatedThe Socio Political And Economic Effects Of Colonialism On African Women1290 Words   |  6 Pages The ramifications of the socio-political and economic effects of colonialism on African women have stunted African development. The economic impact of colonial rule led to a further decrease in significance and power held by women in society. 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Monday, December 16, 2019

The Brown vs Board of Education Case Free Essays

Fifty years ago when the decision was handed down in the Brown vs Board of Education case segregated school systems came to a screeching halt. Five decades later there are still hot debates on the effectiveness of such a ruling. Today, while schools are not legally segregated, there are segregation trends because of the way populations gather in areas and the local schools are impacted by such populations. We will write a custom essay sample on The Brown vs Board of Education Case or any similar topic only for you Order Now Laws have been in place to prevent segregation and children have been bused across town to try and achieve racial balance, but recent changes to legislation have stopped that as well. Today, the nation is divided on the segregated school issue once again. The main theme of the first article is that segregation in schools today, does not take on the same meaning as it did when the Brown decision was handed down. Today, according to the author population imbalance has more to do with population desires to be located near each other, as is the case with many Spanish speaking and European areas of the nation(Mckenna 1995). According to the author, segregation in this case is a positive thing as it places people of the same language in the same area thereby reducing fear and inability to function until the children can develop stronger English skills(Mckenna 1995). The author believes that the answer to racism is not to force busing or other methods that will put children in diverse school populations. Instead, the author believes racism can be ended by working on society as a whole and embracing the very differences that make America the nation that it is today. For the most part I agree with the article. I know if I did not speak English I would be hesitant to allow my child to be bused across the city just for the sake of racial balance within the school system. I would prefer to keep them close to a familiar area with their familiar language being spoken. I do not agree however with the statement that segregated schools are not evil. I believe there is a fine line between not pushing kids and letting them be left behind. If we do not force the balance of race within the school system we must instead be very careful not to let the minority school systems fall by the wayside when it comes to funding and other things that make education possible. In the second article the author believes that segregated schools put certain students at a disadvantage. Citing the problems including not preparing children for a naturally diverse society the author believes it is essential to mix the races while students are young enough to embrace such cultural differences(Droesch, 1996). â€Å"With or without a desegregation plan in place, many of our children continue to experience segregation and racial bias in school. If our children continue to live in racially polarized communities and attend segregated schools, they will be at a distinct disadvantage in today’s global village. For all of our region’s youth to meet the challenges of working in a multicultural world, they must have the opportunity to learn in an environment that advocates inclusion and respect for diversity(Droesch, 1996).† The author believes desegregation plans for school systems is a beginning step to solving the problem of racism in America. I agree that segregated schools will cause a continued polarized attitude. I agree with the author that we must prepare our nation†s children for a racially diverse community. I believe it is important to reach students when they are young and most open to diversity. This will assist in the nation†s global effort to stop racism. I agree more with the second article than the first one if language barriers are taken out of the equation. How to cite The Brown vs Board of Education Case, Papers

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Case Study of Semco Partners Leadership And Management

Question: Discuss about the Leadership and Management of Semco Partners. Answer: Introduction: Semco Partners succeeded Semco Group led by Ricardo Semler. The company works as a consultancy partnership and evolved a model of joint venture which synthesized the companys management skills with their partners technological expertise. Ricardo Semler created a business model which gave employees prominence over the hierarchical ladder which came to be known as Semco Model after his organization. He implemented his theory in his company, Semco Partners which earned him worldwide fame. Ricardo encouraged a framework of corporate management where employees were given more importance and were allowed to participate in the management of the company. The Semco Model proves its mettle when Brazil fell into inflation and the autocratic firms in the country became bankrupt. Ricardo allowed his employees to participate in the management of the firm and even allow them to approve the financial statements and an increased share in the profits. The employees, in turn accepted wage reduction and management fees since; they too became responsible decision takers. The outcomes of the Ricardo Model as opposed to the autocratic model in those times were that the employees gained expertise in dealing with urgent situations and they learned better inventory management. The Semco Model promoted healthy organizational culture which enhanced productivity and improved revenue (Betov and Szillat 2016). The Semco Model by Ricardo Semler was a revolution that changed the management styles in the world. It became so effective that it was adopted by a group of supporters to protest against the ingredients in Afri-Cola in Germany. The soft drink brand was owned by Mineralbrunnen Uberkingen-Teinach and the company was forced to change the ingredients by the supporters. Premium-Cola has no office, bosses or salary structures. The members work as per their convenience and sell the cola drink in selected bars and clubs. Afri-Cola started as a small company but today has evolved into a medium sized company which is operated based on ethics. The company does not advertise the cola drink on digital media, instead it uses arts and images on the inner side of the bottles. This example of Afri-Cola once again proves that the Semco Model can be applied by consumers to force producers to change the ingredients of their products for the benefit of the consumers. Main elements of Semco Model: Maslows hierarchy of needs is a model pyramid which presents the needs of an individual stating with the most basic need of physiological needs of water and food. This is followed by safety needs, need for belongingness, esteem needs and self actualization (Lester 2013). Semcos Model is aimed at giving control to employees which resulted in better security, belongingness and self esteem. These factors led to better organizational culture and increased performance which met the self actualization need, according to the Maslows theory. Ricardos model also meets the Herzbergs two factor theory which is made up of motivators like challenge, responsibility and awards and hygiene factors like salary, status and perks. Herzberg stated that the hygiene factors determine the motivators because they also affect job satisfaction (Lin et al. 2015). Semco followed a democratic style of leadership where employees were given more importance compared to the autocratic style as advocated by McGregors philosophy (Grbz, ?ahin and Kksal 2014). The democratic leadership style gave importance to the employee needs and allowed them to work as per their convenience. Ricardo Semler always advocated that employees do not work only for money but also to increase their self esteem and achieve something. Alderfers ERG theory stresses on three needs, namely, growth needs, relatedness needs and existence needs (L?z?roiu 2015). The company by Ricardo Semler, Semco did not follow the autocratic leadership style followed by other firms in Brazil. The firms instead, removed the strict corporate ladder that allowed employees to come closer to the management. He believed that employees are better at adapting to changes than management since; they execute plans and policies practically and are more knowledgeable about challenges involved in production. Ricardo assumed that employees themselves form groups to carry out their tasks if their esteem needs are satisfied. They get greater scope of participation which increases their feeling of relatedness and job security. Semco Model allowed delegation of more power to the work force with an expectation of more responsibility and job satisfaction which will automatically increase productivity and reduced cost of management. The employees, when empowered feel more secure and automatically work towards achievement of goal which leads to their own growth. This goes along with McClellands theory which a stress on employee needs to need to achieve goal, affiliation and power (Miner 2015). Semco Model derives its features from various leadership theories and motivational theories. It combines the self actualization needs of Maslow with Herzbergs motivational needs. The style addresses growth needs, relatedness and existence needs along with needs of growth, relatedness to the company and existence needs coined in McClellands theory. Risk of the Semco Model: The Semco Model stresses on employee empowerment aimed towards increased productivity and profits. The participative management model applied by Ricardo, however suffers from the following advantages which gives rise to tension: Decision making slows down: Ricardo Semler in his Semco Model gives total independence to employees to work as per their convenience. There is no dress code or corporate hierarchy to direct decision making in Semco Partners. This can create conflict among the employees as they are all at the same level and enjoy the same power. Lack of hierarchy also hampers conflict management because management intervention plays a very important role in solving and mitigating conflicts (Ali-Babaei and Shariatmadari 2014). Moreover, there is uniformity in production and performance techniques. All these factors contributes towards delaying decision making which may prove expensive. Security Issues: Semco Model advocates equable rights for all which gives all employees equal access to information. Ricardo, in an interview, when asked to elaborate on the recruitment process followed it Semco Partners, revealed that first the candidates are allowed to meet the employee and taken on a company tour. This can be potentially dangerous for a big company like Semco, because a candidate, being an outsider cannot have access to employees and information. The fact that such an exposure may lead to leaking, misuse or manipulation of critical data overshadows the advantage that the candidate already knows the company by the time he joins. The hierarchical pyramid in an organization ensures protection of potentially important data by giving selected access to it as such data play a crucial role in deciding strategies. Hence, any unexpected leaking of data by candidates or by employees poses potential risk to the competitive position of the firm in the market (Webb et al. 2014). Total employee freedom is a myth: Semco advocates total employee freedom in its operation which is totally a myth as such a framework is not feasible in reality. Ricardo, in the same 2004 interview told that the employees can choose their leaders and reporting officers but after that they have to follow a mandate. The bosses discuss with the fellow employees before firing an employee which puts the employee in question in the mercy of his colleagues. This is worsened by the absence of an HR department to look into employee issue and protection. Thus, contrary to what it appears, this system also allows space for authoritative decision making. Chances of conflict: The hierarchical structure manages the information system, lays down rules, confirms implementation of strategies as per organization culture and contributes in conflict management. As However, Semco Partners has no corporate hierarchy and hence lacks the streamlining of strategies and their execution. Every employee has power to decide on the companys decision and may use his influence over others to manipulate potentially important data necessitating a conflict. Conflict is the clash of two opposing opinions when both of them cannot be feasible. It can happen between companies, management and subordinates and even between employees of the same level. The management decision and policies goes a long way in management of conflicts and ensure continuous production. Conflict management can take forms of competitiveness, collaboration, compromising, accommodation and avoidance. Competitiveness takes place mostly among rival firms to decide their superiority in the market. The management, within the organizational level resorts to negotiation between conflicting parties and uses its power of persuasion to resolve the conflict and provides with alternatives that can be followed. Semco Model has no prominent management hierarchy which makes it difficult to follow this method, often used to counteract employees resistance to changes. Collaboration is the method when all the decisions are considered and the best decision is chosen for application. This method goes a long way in solving extreme conflicts and can be used successfully in the Semco Model to address conflicts. Compromise is the technique which requires partial consideration of all the alternatives to arrive at a decision. Semco can use this method to deal with conflict when a deadline approaches and the conflict proves to be a hindrance to the achievement of a target. Accommodation can be used when conflict management is more important than the situation. This technique can be used to solve long drawn conflicts within an organization to bring peace. Here, the managers allow the subordinates to arrive at a conclusion which permits the employees to assert their justifications. Semco, being a employee centric organization can allow its employees to assert their opinion and then the superiors can arrive at a decision based on those opinions. Avoidance is a situation when conflicting parties simply do not accept each others conditions and advices. This technique is used when the outcome is insignificant to the organization. This technique which is actually lack of response to conflict management also allows a subordinate to sharpen his leadership qualities. Risks taken by Ricardo to make Semco Model successful: Ricardo Semler went against the prevailing authoritative style prevalent followed style followed by his father and established a more employee centered work culture. His revolutionary initiative helped the company to recover from its losses and this paved way for the company to become a big consultancy firm. According to Ricardo, the consumers are not his customers but the companies serving those consumers are his clients. This points out to the companys power to succeed in spite of limited public promotion. Ricardo undertook great risks while implementing his participative style of leadership. The first risk that he took was to remove the conventional corporate ladder which was present in most of the companies. This transition took place when the Brazilian economy was facing a severe economic crisis which forced many companies into bankruptcy. Semlers unique style of management was a breakaway from the conventional styles and yet produced superb results. Ricardo himself opined that the radical transition in leadership style required changing the entire process of work which seemed irresponsible and risky (Semco Partners 2017). The second risk that Semler took was empowering his employees by allowing them to choose their bosses, decide the working hours and even allowed them to wear dresses they liked to work. This shows indications for avoidant leadership which could have led to subordinate stress (Skogstad et al. 2014). His efficient management style proves its metal when Paychex Inc entered into joint venture with Semco in Brazil in 2013. Semco allowed employees to choose their own bosses, decide their working hours and dresses and had no hierarchy or HR department. This apparently leaves the chance of lack of accountability and standard of performance of the company before the stakeholders. However, the joint venture between Paychex and Semco proved the high standard of performance when the former collaborated with the later to enter Brazil which was its second international venture. One of the biggest challenges of Semco Model of Management appeared when the economy of Brazil was hit and the then President imposed restriction on liquidity. This government policy demanded a radical change in management and pushed many firms into endangerment. Ricardos liberal gave the employees more power and hence increases their sense of responsibility and self esteem. They in fact, agreed to a cut in their wages and management fees to adapt to the economic crisis. Their shares in the companys profit were increased and they gain approving authority of approving the company expenses. This participative style of management became so successful that it became theme of HR Learning and organization behavior studies. Authors like Eng Chew and Kenneth Anthony Dovey have drawn references from the organization in their work titled Learning to create sustainable value in turbulent operational contexts: the role of leadership Practices (Chew and Anthony 2014). Semco Model is even open to the job seekers and allows them to be induced to its environment and the employees. This helps them and the company to decide on the appropriate employment opportunity and a long term relationship. There is no conventional HR department to interview the candidates and decide on their job conditions and salary. The candidates are first taken on a tour of the companys activities and employees. This is followed by several rounds of interviews given by several employees whose opinions are then taken into consideration to decide on a candidates eligibility and appointment. This transparent policy allows candidates and employees to be familiar and more open to each other. This promoted to better understanding and organization culture. Ricardos Semco Model apparently has no control over an employees performance but that is not true as revealed by the founder itself. Candidates are first allowed to decide on their salary and managers after which they are entrusted with responsibilities and accountabilities. Semco has no physical office, no code of uniform and no official hierarchy. It is a consulting firm which enters into joint venture with big firms from various fields and provides them expert consultancy services. This shows that a firm, in order to grow need not follow conventional leadership patterns. Semcos strength lies in empowering employees with decision making power can make them feel more responsible towards the firm. This makes them more productive than employees who are dominated by their bosses. The successful application of this style of leadership in soft drink industry in Germany proves its applicability in even a different industry in a foreign country. Conclusion: Semco Model founded by Ricardo Semler is a revolutionary management and leadership style. It allows employees of the Semco Partners to take equal responsibilities in the management of the firm and develop their managerial skills. However, it can also be pointed out that though this model combines various other models, has its own defects and also leaves a scope for conflict. It can also be opined that the model helped Semco survive the economic downfall of Brazil when the firms following conventional authoritative models failed. It can also be pointed out that leadership and motivation styles depend on the situation and the desired outcomes. Leadership styles and pattern evolve over time and are extremely dynamic. Great leaders find new theories and even build their own revolutionary styles accommodating several theories. References: Ali-Babaei, M.S. and Shariatmadari, M., 2014. Exploring the Relationship between Management Skills and Employees' Conflict in Industrial Production Company of Kerman Keyvan Pomp.International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences,4(12), p.361. Betov, A. and Szillat, P., 2016. Business leadership concepts exemplified by the two exceptional leaders Daniel Vasella and Ricardo Semler.Journal of Contemporary Economic and Business Issues,3(1), pp.33-60. Chew, E. and Anthony Dovey, K., 2014. Learning to create sustainable value in turbulent operational contexts: the role of leadership practices.The Learning Organization,21(4), pp.243-257. Grbz, S., ?ahin, F. and Kksal, O., 2014. Revisiting of Theory X and Y: A multilevel analysis of the effects of leaders managerial assumptions on followers attitudes.Management Decision,52(10), pp.1888-1906. L?z?roiu, G., 2015. Employee Motivation and Job Performance.Linguistic and Philosophical Investigations, (14), pp.97-102. Lester, D., 2013. Measuring Maslow's hierarchy of needs.Psychological Reports,113(1), pp.15-17. Lin, X., Cai, S., Xu, D. and Fu, X., 2015. Judging Online Peer-To-Peer Lending Behavior: An Integration of Dual System Framework and Two-Factor Theory. InPACIS(p. 138). Miner, J.B., 2015.Organizational behavior 1: Essential theories of motivation and leadership. Routledge. Semco Partners. (2017). Company History - Semco Partners. [online] Available at: https://www.semco.com.br/en/about-us/ [Accessed 30 Jan. 2017]. Skogstad, A., Hetland, J., Glas, L. and Einarsen, S., 2014. Is avoidant leadership a root cause of subordinate stress? Longitudinal relationships between laissez-faire leadership and role ambiguity.Work Stress,28(4), pp.323-341. Webb, J., Ahmad, A., Maynard, S.B. and Shanks, G., 2014. A situation awareness model for information security risk management.Computers security,44, pp.1-15.

Saturday, November 30, 2019

Untitled Essay Research Paper From Village to free essay sample

Untitled Essay, Research Paper From Village to City Over the old ages of history, there have been many civilisations. We will look at the earliest of all civilisations known to adult male. From Village to City began in 8000BC and spanned all the manner into 3000BC. Throughout this study we will look at the 6 cardinal characteristics of this civilisation as outlined in our schoolroom treatments, and hope to convey what we have learned in a utile, and interesting manner. The development of a metropolis: The first metropolis to be built was Jericho, in the Middle East Map: This map is a image of what the division of land would hold looked like in those times. Clearly identified here, it is possible to see Babylon, Ur, and Eridu. ? Microsoft Encarta? 95. ( Appendix 1 ) . Sumer at this clip evolved into the largest city state, established by a people known as the Ubaidians. The development of the metropolis, allowed for rapid population growing due to the copiousness of nutrient. We will write a custom essay sample on Untitled Essay Research Paper From Village to or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Sheep, caprine animal and hogs had been originally domesticated for usage as nutrient, non as beginnings of vesture. The chief economic activity during this clip was trade and swap. Obsidian, a volcanic glass was fashioned into razor crisp tools and arms. It was besides used as trade. Peoples who lived near Obsidian sedimentations frequently risked their lives to roll up it and finally barter it off for nutrient or money. Obsidian comes from vents and was a sort of glass, the merely of the times. The value of Obsidian was great, and so hence was the supply and demand. Salt, ore, Cu, and soaprock were accepted trade stuffs around 8000BC. Most of the Village to City civilisation took topographic point during the Cu age, when Cu was mined and used for many intents. Trade developed between different metropoliss, Jericho, Sumer, Adab, Eridu, Isin, Kish, Kullab, Lagash, Larsa, Nippur and Ur. Most of the trade consisted of farm animal and other things such as arms and nutrient. Sumerians c onstructed big temples called Ziggurats. These temples were the focal point of spiritual activities in towns. They were made of sundried clay bricks that eroded easy. Not many of these remain today. Near 4000BC, urban societies included, husbandmans, Herders, merchandisers, craftsmans, priests, debitors, creditors and societal leaders. Economic authorization in that clip took the signifier of revenue enhancement aggregation, creditors and debitors. Civil authorization was created with the usage of Hammurabi codification. Hammurabi Code is in a manner the articulation of values. It reflects the manner they believed that affairs should be handled from their times. This codification is a aggregation of the Torahs and edicts of the Babylonian King Hammurabi. King Hammurabi? s codification covers everything from loans, sedimentations and personal hurt to domestic belongings and household rights. It contains no Torahs for faith, but the condemnable jurisprudence is comparable to the Semit ic jurisprudence of # 8220 ; an oculus for an eye. # 8221 ; This codification was peculiarly humane for its clip. However, leftovers of King Hammurabi? s Code of Laws are still present in today? s society. Many people believe that the Capital Punishment contention day of the months back to King Hammurabi. Capital Punishment has been outlawed in Canada, nevertheless it is still in consequence as the chief beginning of disincentive and for cleaning up the streets in many states i.e. the U.S.A. ( in some provinces ) . Division of Labor: Since there had been husbandmans, merchandisers, etc. , a division of labor was present. As bow said, there were many occupation functions that had to be fulfilled, for the society to map. There was no existent specific information sing the usage of gender functions. However, there were certain functions that were male merely, such as huntsman and husbandman, and other that were designated for females ; namingly cookery and cleansing. Class constructi on developed as the metropoliss grew larger. Leaderships and civil authorization were in a higher category than that of the regular citizens. In this clip period besides there was bondage. Slaves, to which subsequently became more normally known as? Serfs? . Development of Writing: Wedge: Given above is some text which has been written in the signifier of Cuneus. It is engraved in a rock tablet as they had non discovered paper. ? Microsoft Encarta? 95. ( Appendix 2 ) . The first signifier of composing known, was cuneiform. In cuneiform each symbol represented a word. This authorship was developed around 3000BC, and lasted until the first century. With this development it allowed for the continuity in beliefs and Hel ped keep business and legal records. The same writing gave us a very good insight into their culture, and way of life today. Cuneus, Latin for wedge, was given this name because the symbols appear wedge shaped. This writing has been found on clay, stone, metals and wax. Earlier forms of these were pictographs, but this became too difficult, which led to the use of lines instead. Cuneiform also helped with the continuity of traditions, and passing on of heritage. Art: Urn: This Urn clearly shows the importance that art played in their lives. By this time period they had already invented the potters wheel. ? Microsoft Encarta ?95. (Appendix 3). Art was very popular during these times. This terra-cotta urn demonstrated that this culture enjoyed arts as an entertainment, use for burial or as barter. Architecture was demonstrated with the early construction of Ziggurats. House walls were plastered and sometimes painted. These same Ziggurats were used for worshipping in, and was consider ed a sacred place. Technological Advancements: The Wheel: The artifacts above are the actual first wheels that were ever invented. After the first? wheels came more advanced theories. ? Microsoft Encarta ?95. (Appendix 4). The wheel originated in early Mesopotamia around 3000BC. It was a great technological achievement. This allowed for easier travel as the wheeled cart replaced the wedge as a means of transport. Also, with the invention of the wheel came a wider trade area, increasing a civilizations reach into other areas. Seen here in the above picture, are some of the earliest models of the wheel known to man. The very first wheel that was constructed was made with the use of ball bearings on the inner portion of the wheel, which is actually a quite advanced theory. Ball bearings are commonly used today for many things. Also, Grass was harvested for seeds, with a sickle made up of flint blades set into wood. Obsidian was fashioned into sharp arrowheads and weapons. Rocks were us ed to crush grain for baking, and hammers were used to construct buildings. All theses tools allowed for better harvests and shaping of the environment. The Environmental Impact: Tools: Given in this picture are many of the early tools used for cultivating, farming, and grinding wheat. ? Microsoft Encarta ?95. (Appendix 5). Village to City populations affected the environment negatively. They over-cultivated the land, when they discovered harvesting. In some cases this was so severe, that it instigated the process of desertification. Since the technological level was not as sophisticated as other civilizations, the environment was not polluted, just over-used. This ultimately led to the downfall of some cities. It became increasingly harder to grow because the land was tired and could no longer produce the proper vitamins the plants needed to survive. Some cultures had to rely solely on the barter system and livestock reproduction for food. Conclusion: Many aspects of the Village to City civilization can be found still in today?s modern society. One of the most valuable inventions was the wheel, presently we see wheels everywhere. We would not have cars, planes, computers, literally anything can be derived from these early ancestors. The people in that time made many important discoveries, many of which are being used to date. Furthermore, if it weren?t for the advancements that were made up from our ancestors of long ago, we no doubt not be where we are today. We must ask ourselves, when they invented, did they comprehend the repercussions of their developments? In other words, did they realize that they were changing history as we know it forever. If it were not for these early inventors surely we would not be as advanced as we are now. Bibliography: 1. Davis, M. Dale. Civilizations in History. Toronto: Oxford University Press Canada ?, 1947. 2. Brown, Dale and Edmond White. The First of Men. 2nd edition Toronto: Time-Life? Books ? 1973. 3. Aiello, Leslie. T he Origins of Man. 2nd Edition. Scarborough: Prentice-Hall ? Books ?, 1982. 4. Gibson, Dwight L., Terry G. Murphy, Fredrick E. Jarman and Derek Grant. All About Law. 3rd Edition. Toronto: John Wiley Sons Canada ?, 1990. 5. â€Å"Sumerian Civilization†, and â€Å"Sumerian Culture†. Microsoft Encarta. CD-ROM. Micromedia. ?, 1994. 6. Haberman, Arthur and Ian Hundey. Civilizations. Toronto: Gage Books ?, 1993.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Oligopoly and Game Theory Essay Example

Oligopoly and Game Theory Essay Example Oligopoly and Game Theory Paper Oligopoly and Game Theory Paper ECO 152 December 9, 2013 Photo by Christian Gooden, [emailprotected] dispatch. com St. Louis Christmas Tree Lots: Oligopoly and Game Theory Since Christmas is drawing near, the annual Christmas tree lots are beginning to open. This brings memories of my father cursing in the car every Sunday before mass because half the church lot is taken up by trees. For a few weeks Ted Drew becomes the king of Christmas not the king of custard in St. Louis. Pretend the image I selected is not taken from the St. Louis Post Dispatch but is in fact my family having a wonderful time together at the St. Peters Church Christmas tree lot in Kirkwood. This picture does not exist because our time spent at the Christmas tree lot is usually spent arguing over what tree to choose and ultimately ending in my sister crying because my father says we cannot bring a 30 foot tall tree into our home. The Christmas tree market in St. Louis can be considered an oligopoly because there are relatively few locations which sell Christmas trees in St. Louis. An oligopoly is a market structure in which a small number of independent firms compete, somewhere in between a monopoly and a competitive industry with many firms. In this case let us Just consider the Ted Drewes lot and the St. Peters Church lot as a duopoly to represent the St. Louis Christmas tree market. Christmas tree prices are determined by St. Peters and Ted Drewes in order to maximize profits. The prices are not only determined by demand, but also by the price at which competitors choose to sell. We analyze this price competition by what economists call game theory. Game theory is the study of the decisions of firms in industries where the profits ofa firm depend on its interactions with other firms. In ligopolies, firms are very large compared to the market therefore their interactions are what determine success and profit. Three characteristics of game theory are payoffs, rules and strategies. In the example of the Christmas tree lots, we can use game theory to analyze price competition between Ted Drewes and St. Peters Church. To make the maximum profit, the price Ted Drewe and Father Smith decide to sell the average Christmas tree is dependent on what the competing firm prices are. They will either sell them at an average of $40 or $50 per tree. The action a firm takes to achieve the goal of aximizing profits is an example of business strategy. In fgure 1, the possibilities for each firm are organized into a matrix to determine the payoffs for each firm based on their and the competing firms price decision. Figure 1 Ted Drewes $50 STP earns $10,000 profit St. Peters TD earns $40 $10,000 profit STP earns $5,000 $15,000 profit STP earns $15,000 _$5,OOO profit STP earns $7,500 _$7,500 profit St. Peters Church profits are in blue and Ted Drewes profits are in red. If both St. Peters and Ted Drewes charge an average of $40 per tree, each win earn a profit of 7,500 in total sales. If St. Peters charges a higher price than Ted Drewes at $50 per tree, they will lose customers to price competition and earn $5,000 total profit while Ted Drewes earns $15,000 total profit. If the situation is reversed and Ted Drewes charges a higher price, their total profits will be $5,000 while St. Peters earns $15,000 total profit. If both Ted Drewes and St. Peters charge $50, they with each earn $10,000 total profit. Looking at the matrix it seems that the firms would be better of both charging $50 to earn $10,000 total profit each. Ted Drewe and Father Smith could do this by making an agreement between their firms to charge the same price or otherwise not to compete. This is an example of collusion, which is against the law in the United States. Here we see the characteristic of rules implemented in game theory. Since the firms cannot collude and set their prices they must guess the price which the other firm will choose. If Ted Drewe thinks that Father Smith will charge $40 per tree at St. Peters, he will choose to also sell at $40 per tree because this would earn 7,500 in profit instead of $5,000 if they Ted sold at $50. If Ted Drewe believes Father Smith will sell at $50 per tree, he would still choose to sell at $40 per tree because this would increase total profits from $10,000 to $15,000. This means either way, Ted Drewe will sell at $40 per tree. Father Smith has the same situation as Ted Drewe, so it is expected that he will also sell at $40 per tree. Both Ted Drewes and St. Peters Church will choose to sell at $40 per tree no matter what the other firm does. Either firm selling at $40 per tree is n example of dominant strategy because it is the best choice in any situation. When each firm is maximizing profits no matter what choice the other firm makes it is called a Nash equilibrium. The example of the firms Ted Drewes and St. Louis Church in the St. Louis Christmas tree industry shows how game theory uses payoffs, rules and strategies to analyze oligopoly. photo: Gooden, Christian. Stltoday. com. N. p. , 20 Dec. 2011. Web. 09 Dec. 2013. http:// www. stltoday. com/news/multimedia/live-christmas-tree-fee-on-hold-for-now/ image_30ae5b2e-84de-5313-a8d8-3abc99f6bc6e. html

Friday, November 22, 2019

Pachyrhinosaurus Facts and Figures

Pachyrhinosaurus Facts and Figures Name: Pachyrhinosaurus (Greek for thick-nosed lizard); pronounced PACK-ee-RYE-no-SORE-us Habitat: Woodlands of western North America Historical Period: Late Cretaceous (70 million years ago) Size and Weight: About 20 feet long and 2-3 tons Diet: Plants Distinguishing Characteristics: Thick bump on nose instead of nasal horn; two horns on top of frill About Pachyrhinosaurus Its name notwithstanding, Pachyrhinosaurus (Greek for thick-nosed lizard) was an entirely different creature from the modern rhinoceros, though these two plant-eaters do have a few things in common. Paleontologists believe Pachyrhinosaurus males used their thick noses to butt one another for dominance in the herd and the right to mate with females, much like modern-day rhinos, and both animals were approximately the same length and weight (though Pachyrhinosaurus may have outweighed its modern counterpart by a ton or two). Thats where the similarities end, though. Pachyrhinosaurus was a ceratopsian, the family of horned, frilled dinosaurs (the most famous examples of which were Triceratops and Pentaceratops) that populated North America during the late Cretaceous period, only a few million years before the dinosaurs went extinct. Oddly enough, unlike the case with most other ceratopsians, the two horns of Pachyrhinosaurus were set on top of its frill, not on its snout, and it had a fleshy mass, the nasal boss, in place of the nasal horn found in most other ceratopsians. (By the way, Pachyrhinosaurus may turn out to be the same dinosaur as the contemporary Achelousaurus.) Somewhat confusingly, Pachyrhinosaurus is represented by three separate species, which differ somewhat in their cranial ornamentation, especially the shape of their unflattering-looking nasal bosses. The boss of the type species, P. canadensis, was flat and rounded (unlike that of P. lakustai and P. perotorum), and P. canadensis also had two flattened, forward-facing horns on top of its frill. If youre not a paleontologist, though, all three of these species look pretty much identical! Thanks to its numerous fossil specimens (including over a dozen partial skulls from Canadas Alberta province), Pachyrhinosaurus is quickly climbing the most popular ceratopsian rankings, though the odds are slim that it will ever overtake Triceratops. This dinosaur got a big boost from its starring role in Walking with Dinosaurs: The 3D Movie, released in December 2013, and it has featured prominently in the Disney movie Dinosaur and the History Channel TV series Jurassic Fight Club.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Paraphrase Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Paraphrase - Essay Example Determining whether this was an appropriate sample or whether the study was conducted in accordance with experimental testing standards is not possible given the provided information, which detracts somewhat from the study’s reliability. Open kinetic chain and active knee positioning was selected as the means of testing knee position sense because JPS, or the ability to reproduce joint angles, is considered an important component of joint perception and JPS is commonly measured through active ipsilateral matching. It has been suggested that JPS is more sensitive to fatigue than kinesthesia (Skinner et al, 1986) while studies such as Paillard and Brouchon (1974) have suggested that active use of the joint contributes to a clear sense of knee positioning. Because of this more precise conception of the knee’s position, it was hypothesized that this method would provide a more accurate measurement of muscle receptors in the extensor and flexor structures. As part of the published study, the researcher did provide a brief explanation of the data collection method, but further analysis proves the study’s method is insufficient for accurate results. In addition to the problem already mentioned regarding the selection of the study sample, the participants engaged in the data collection process during a single morning session, providing little comparison data and no control group. According to Ribeiro et al (2007), measurements were taken once before applying fatigue protocol and once afterwards. This fatigue protocol is described as 30 repetitions at maximum range of motion on an isokinetic dynamometer, essentially a computerized leg lift machine with additional gauges used to measure various muscle groups within the leg. The rate of activity was set at an angular velocity of 120 s (Ribeiro et al, 2007). To ensure the relevant muscles were properly warmed up before this activity, participants were asked to participate in five minu tes of

Tuesday, November 19, 2019


IMPACTS OF NURSE LED INTERVENTIONS TO IMPROVE DIABETES SELF MANAGEMENT - Essay Example Moreover, in a recent study that was conducted on the prevalence of diabetes mellitus (DM) in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia it was established that 29% of the entire population had been diagnosed with DM (Alqurashi et al., 2010). Therefore, it can be evidenced that the prevalence of diabetes (type 1 and type 2) has been on the rise over the past few years and it is still projected by the World Health Organisation (WHO) that in the coming years, diabetes prevalence and deaths shall be higher if no education, treatment and management strategies are implemented by nurses as well as the patient. Diabetes self-management is an essential element in patient care as it helps the patient to learn, understand and manage their illness so as to improve patient outcomes. Moreover, it is designed to ensure quality in interventions as well as assisting diabetes educators to secure evidence-based education (Tschannen, et al., 2012). Due to the complicated quality of health care and diabetes-related studies, standards are assessed and revised regularly by national organizations as well as federal agencies in the diabetes education setting. Attendants have a significant part to play in diabetes self administration to enhance understanding conclusions and the personal satisfaction. These incorporate: offering diabetes self administration instruction (DSME) to the patient (Funnell et al., 2012); supporting the patient to perform self forethought with next to zero intercession; expounding to the patient the imperativeness of self consideration exercises and why consistence is vital (Shrivastava et al., 2013). In a study that was directed to uncover the adequacy of self administration in Saudi Arabia and Oman separately, it was made that patients who accepted and performed self administration preparing were at better risks of overseeing diabetes as contrasted

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Night of the Scorpion Essay Example for Free

Night of the Scorpion Essay Throughout Vultures there is also a dark mood, you are told about the ugly vultures and are given lots of gory imagery: Yesterday they picked the eyes of a swollen corpse in a water-logged trench and ate the things in its bowel. This violent imagery reinforces the sense of evil you get about the vultures. This imagery is also similar to the imagery in Night of the Scorpion mainly because this is about suffering, death and dying. In Vultures, however, the person is already dead, whereas in the other poem the mother is dying and suffering. At the end of Vultures, the perpetuity of evil is mentioned, this is quite pessimistic and shows that evil is never going to go away. At the end of Night of the Scorpion however, the mother is cured: After twenty hours it lost its sting. She survives and is now free of suffering and pain, without even any regrets that she was the one who was bitten.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Mystery in Charlotte Brontes Napoleon and the Spectre and Charles Dick

Mystery in Charlotte Bronte's "Napoleon and the Spectre" and Charles Dickens' "Signalman" The two stories that I have been studying are 'Napoleon and the Spectre' and the 'Signalman' written by Charlotte Bronte and Charles Dickens respectively. Both the stories are set in the nineteenth century, a period of time when the country was experiencing rapid change. Bronte's story 'Napoleon and the Spectre' is a story about the Emperor of France who at that time was a leading figure in society, a symbol and trademark of France's important position in the world. Napoleon was a gallant and valiant soldier and he supposedly murdered General Pichegru. In the story Napoleon comes in to contact with a strange supernatural creature who entices him and takes him on a deeply strange tour of the streets of Paris. Napoleon allows himself to be taken on this tour partly due to his courageousness and the fact that the ghost exerts a power over him, encouraging him on with enticing remarks such as, 'Follow me Napoleon and though shall seek more.' With Bronte's story being on one side of the spectrum Dickens is on the other as it tells a completely different type of story. It is once again set in roughly the same period of time when the civilized world was in the middle of a period of great change as the country was gripped in the Industrial Revolution. The Revolution saw the beginning of the steam railway, the introduction of telegraphs and the availability of electricity, all this was the catalyst for the class divide to become more exaggerated, with the poor getting poorer and the rich getting richer. It was also the period in which people were still generally strict Christians and Catholics, sceptical to anything n... ...r particularly interested in what the eventual outcome of the story will be. I feel it doesn't meet the necessary criteria to be a good short story, it is not entertaining nor exciting, but more a social/historical commentary of that time. Dickens saw it as his role to write about the plight of the poor and under privileged and wanted to encourage people to think about social inequalities. Where 'Signalman' has its short comings, Bronte's 'Napoleon and the Spectre' meets the criteria perfectly, it is short, has the necessary excitement and action to have an impact on the reader, which is what the aim of a short story should be. Bronte sensationalises a public figure and portrays him as a 'bad' man, consequently it could be said that this story also carries a moral in that we should be accountable for our actions no matter what our position in life may be.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Person Centered Theory Essay

There are numerous theories that can be used together to make an efficient therapist and provide results for the clients. The person centered theory is designed to focus on humanism, human potential, conditions of worth, orgasmic valuing, the fully functioning person, and phenomenological perspective (Seligman & Reichenberg, 2010). There are three core values in the person centered theory, these are extremely important in the output of clinician-client relationships and facilitating change for positive results in the client. Looking at the therapy universally, these core values can be connected to several other types of strategies and theories to hold a positive outcome for the therapist and client. The value of these aspects across all treatment approaches adds significant changes in a client’s attitude and behavior along with positive thoughts of hope. Theory and therapeutic strategy all leads into client care and outcome. There has been an increasing need of therapists and therapeutic strategy to accommodate the client and their mental health disorders. The existential therapy model will be discussed throughout the paper to distinguish whether psychological dysfunction exists. However, the core values of person centered therapy, assessing the values among all treatment approaches, and figuring whether psychological dysfunction exists in the existential therapy all will be further examined. The three core values that are pertinent to the person centered theory are congruence, unconditional positive regard, and empathy. They all supply a large role in therapy with clients to break the layered negative aspects and pessimistic thoughts. These core values allow for a relationship to be built with the therapist and client upon feelings of safety, warmth, understanding, which permits the client to lower his guard of defense (Seligman & Reichenberg, 2010). Therapeutically, congruence is considered genuine, authentic, well integrated, and aware of one’s self and how others perceive them (Seligman & Reichenberg, 2010). Congruence is a person in which portrays and submits clear and coherent messages that are consistent with the inner and outer core of themselves (Seligman & Reichenberg, 2010). The second core value is unconditional positive regard, this creates the rapport with the client in a sense of caring about, respecting, liking and accepting the person how they are (Seligman & Reichenberg, 2010). This allows for the client to act in their own nature without feelings or thinking in certain ways. Providing conditions of kindness and positive regard is essential to helping clients look into their own sense of optimism and positive emotions (Seligman & Reichenberg, 2010). Lastly, empathy is the sensitivity of moment to moment thoughts and feelings, having tenderness, being non-judgmental, and temporarily living in someone else’s life (Seligman & Reichenberg, 2010). Empathy is the exploration of understanding someone’s thoughts and feelings; to empower the client and delicately open doors to their life through communication (Seligman & Reichenberg, 2010). Seligman and Reichenberg explain that these core values seemingly pronounce optimistic therapeutic results applying these values universally throughout various therapeutic approaches (2010). Applying these values universally across other therapeutic approaches defines that numerous therapy strategies are co-existent together and enhance change. The person centered theory is used frequently with other therapy strategies because it promotes a healthy therapeutic relationship and increases the client’s awareness and creates a sense of empowerment as well (Seligman & Reichenberg, 2010). The person centered theory is extremely useful and intervenes well, due to the support of profound communication with the client and that mirrors the therapists compassionate, caring, and interest surrounding the clients. Clients are more opted to lower their defensiveness and become trusting to form a healthy balanced bond and rapport with their therapist; to discover and find confident, optimistic, hopeful outcomes. Positive outcomes are a large aspect in providing client care for the sake of the client’s well-being, hopeful change, self-worth, and confidence level. The values of applying the core aspects of person centered theory greatly outweigh any limitation to treatment due to the well established results of clients whom have utilized the aspects with other strategies. With that, psychopathology is a constant expression of new therapeutic strategies and outcomes that benefit the client. Moreover, psychopathology is the appearance of the mental health field. Along the same lines, psychological dysfunction is apparent and can be defined under various categories of mental health. By utilizing xistential therapy, clients with psychological dysfunction may overcome their issues. Existential therapy has an approach towards philosophy of human development, which concentrates on meaningfulness, authenticity, freedom, and responsibility (Seligman & Reichenberg, 2010). This helps clients to maintain purpose and meaning in life. Existential therapy may significantly increase a clients functioning due to the therapeutic strategy of focusing on the importance of choice, meaning, actualization, and the alliance between the therapist and client (Seligman & Reichenberg, 2010). This type of therapy can empower a client to become positive, increase their well-being, and create thoughts of hope and optimism for a healthy balanced life. Existential therapy concentrates on holistic and growth promoting approach; it embodies the cultural context of a client’s experiences, acknowledges the importance of client’s thoughts, values flexibility, and creativity in thinking (Seligman & Reichenberg, 2010). Overall, clients with psychological dysfunction incorporating existential therapy can gain feelings of safety, comfort, happiness, security, and a vigorous life. Conclusion All in all, person centered theory can be incorporated into several therapy strategies and the core values create a healthy balanced relationship between the therapist and client to better the outcome for the client. Person centered theory concentrates on the therapist making the client feel comforted, understood, accepted, and respected (Seligman & Reichenberg, 2010). Assessing the values of person centered theory among all treatment approaches seemed to co-exist and inter-relate due to all therapeutic approaches being client focused. Mostly, the core values are primarily designed to assist the client with their struggles, actively listen, and provide skills to create and maintain a healthy balanced life. Existential therapy also creates a healthy balance to clients, which also generates similar characteristics of the person centered theory. Existential therapy produces meaningfulness, freedom, authenticity, and responsibility (Seligman & Reichenberg, 2010). This may construct empowerment and productivity to engage in positive outcomes for clients with psychological dysfunction. Existential therapy can aid a client with psychological dysfunction by allowing the feelings of purpose and meaning in their life. It teaches a client how to manage their thinking, values, and cultural context (Seligman & Reichenberg, 2010). The outcome for the client is a healthy adaptive change and promotes feelings of worth and confidence. It seems that â€Å"therapy† has an overall goal and focus; the client, although, each approach may have its own focal points there is still one common goal.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Business Accounting

CHAPTER 1 Accounting: An Overview and AnalysisMULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS41. Accountants refer to an economic event as a a. purchase. b. sale. c. transaction. d. change in ownership. 42. The process of recording transactions has become more efficient because a. fewer events can be quantified in financial terms. b. computers are used in processing business events. c. more people have been hired to record business transactions. d. business events are recorded only at the end of the year. 43. Communication of economic events is the part of the accounting process that involves a. identifying economic events. b. uantifying transactions into dollars and cents. c. preparing accounting reports. d. recording and classifying information. 44. Which of the following events cannot be quantified into dollars and cents and recorded as an accounting transaction? a. The appointment of a new CPA firm to perform an audit. b. The purchase of a new computer. c. The sale of store equipment. d. Payment of income taxes. 45. The use of computers in recording business events a. has made the recording process more efficient. b. does not use the same principles as manual accounting systems. c. has greatly impacted the identification stage of the accounting process. . is economical only for large businesses. 46. The accounting process involves all of the following except a. identifying economic transactions that are relevant to the business. b. communicating financial information to users by preparing financial reports. c. recording nonquantifiable economic events. d. analyzing and interpreting financial reports. 47. The accounting process is correctly sequenced as a. identification, communication, recording. b. recording, communication, identification. c. identification, recording, communication. d. communication, recording, identification. 48. Which of the following techniques are not used by accountants to interpret and report financial information? a. Graphs b. Special memos for each class of external users c. Charts d. Ratios 49. Which of the following would not be considered an internal user of accounting data for the XYZ Company? a. President of the company b. Production manager c. Merchandise inventory clerk d. President of the employees' labor union 50. Which of the following would not be considered an external user of accounting data for the XYZ Company? a. Internal Revenue Service Agent b. Management c. Creditors d. Customers 51. Which of the following would not be considered internal users of accounting data for a company? a. The president of a company b. The controller of a company c. Creditors of a company d. Salesmen of the company52. Which of the following is an external user of accounting information? a. Labor unions b. Finance directors c. Company officers d. Managers53. Which one of the following is not an external user of accounting information? a. Regulatory agencies b. Customers c. Investors d. All of these are external users54. Bookkeeping differs from accounting in that bookkeeping primarily involves which part of the accounting process? . Identification b. Communication c. Recording d. Analysis a55. All of the following are services offered by public accountants except a. budgeting. b. auditing. c. tax planning. d. consulting. a56. Which list below best describes the major services performed by public accountants? a. Bookkeeping, mergers, budgets b. Employee training, auditing, bookkeeping c . Auditing, taxation, management consulting d. Cost accounting, production scheduling, recruiting a57. Preparing tax returns and engaging in tax planning is performed by a. public accountants only. b. private accountants only. c. both public and private accountants. . IRS accountants only. a58. A private accountant can perform many activities in a business organization but would not work in a. budgeting. b. accounting information systems. c. external auditing. d. tax accounting.59. The origins of accounting are generally attributed to the work of a. Christopher Columbus. b. Abner Doubleday. c. Luca Pacioli. d. Leonardo da Vinci.60. Financial accounting provides economic and financial information for all of the following except a. creditors. b. investors. c. managers. d. other external users.61. The final step in solving an ethical dilemma is to a. dentify and analyze the principal elements in the situation. b. recognize an ethical situation. c. identify the alternatives and weigh th e impact of each alternative on stakeholders. d. recognize the ethical issues involved.62. The first step in solving an ethical dilemma is to a. identify and analyze the principal elements in the situation. b. identify the alternatives. c. recognize an ethical situation and the ethical issues involved. d. weigh the impact of each alternative on various stakeholders.63. Ethics are the standards of conduct by which one's actions are judged as a. right or wrong. b. onest or dishonest. c. fair or unfair. d. all of these.64. Generally accepted accounting principles are a. income tax regulations of the Internal Revenue Service. b. standards that indicate how to report economic events. c. theories that are based on physical laws of the universe. d. principles that have been proven correct by academic researchers.65. The cost principle requires that when assets are acquired, they be recorded at a. appraisal value. b. exchange price paid. c. selling price. d. list price.66. The cost of an as set and its fair market value are a. never the same. b. the same when the asset is sold. . irrelevant when the asset is used by the business in its operations. d. the same on the date of acquisition.67. The body of theory underlying accounting is not based on a. physical laws of nature. b. concepts. c. principles. d. definitions.68. The private sector organization involved in developing accounting principles is the a. Feasible Accounting Standards Body. b. Financial Accounting Studies Board. c. Financial Accounting Standards Board. d. Financial Auditors' Standards Body.69. The SEC and FASB are two organizations that are primarily responsible for establishing generally accepted accounting principles. It is true that a. they are both governmental agencies. b. the SEC is a private organization of accountants. c. the SEC often mandates guidelines when no accounting principles exist. d. the SEC and FASB rarely cooperate in developing accounting standards.70. GAAP stands for a. Generally Accepted Auditing Procedures. b. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles. c. Generally Accepted Auditing Principles. d. Generally Accepted Accounting Procedures.71. Which of the following is not a characteristic of the cost principle? a. Reliability b. Subjectivity c. Objectivity d. Verifiability72.The ACE Company has five plants nationwide that cost $100 million. The current market value of the plants is $500 million. The plants will be recorded and reported as assets at a. $100 million. b. $600 million. c. $400 million. d. $500 million.73. All of the following are advantages cost has over other valuations except that it a. is reliable. b. can be objectively measured. c. can be verified. d. is relevant.74. The proprietorship form of business organization a. must have at least three owners in most states. b. represents the largest number of businesses in the United States. c. ombines the records of the business with the personal records of the owner. d. is characterized by a legal distinction between the business as an economic unit and the owner.75. The economic entity assumption requires that the activities a. of different entities can be combined if all the entities are corporations. b. must be reported to the Securities and Exchange Commission. c. of a sole proprietorship cannot be distinguished from the personal economic events of its owners. d. of an entity be kept separate from the activities of its owner.76. A business organized as a corporation a. is not a separate legal entity in most states. b. requires that stockholders be personally liable for the debts of the business. c. is owned by its stockholders. d. terminates when one of its original stockholders dies.77. The partnership form of business organization a. is a separate legal entity. b. is a common form of organization for service-type businesses. c. enjoys an unlimited life. d. has limited liability.78. Which of the following is not an advantage of the corporate form of business organization ? a. Limited liability of stockholders b. Transferability of ownership c. Unlimited personal liability for stockholders d. Unlimited life79.A small neighborhood barber shop that is operated by its owner would likely be organized as a a. joint venture. b. partnership. c. corporation. d. proprietorship.80. Joan and Sara met at law school and decide to start a small law practice after graduation. They agree to split revenues and expenses evenly. The most common form of business organization for a business such as this would be a a. joint venture. b. partnership. c. corporation. d. proprietorship.81. Which of the following is true regarding the corporate form of business organization? a. Corporations are the most prevalent form of business organization. b. Corporate businesses are generally smaller in size than partnerships and proprietor-ships. c. The revenues of corporations are greater than the combined revenues of partnerships and proprietorships. d. Corporations are separate legal entities organized exclusively under federal law.82. A basic assumption of accounting that requires activities of an entity be kept separate from the activities of its owner is referred to as the a. stand alone concept. b. monetary unit assumption. c. corporate form of ownership. d. economic entity assumption.83. Deb Smith is the proprietor (owner) of Smitty's, a retailer of athletic apparel. When recording the financial transactions of Smitty's, Deb does not record an entry for a car she purchased for personal use. Deb took out a personal loan to pay for the car. What accounting concept guides Deb's behavior in this situation? a. Pay back concept b. Economic entity assumption c. Cash basis concept d. Monetary unit assumption84. A basic assumption of accounting assumes that the dollar is a. unrelated to business transactions. b. a poor measure of economic activities. c. the common unit of measure for all business transactions. d. useless in measuring an economic event.85. The assump tion that the unit of measure remains sufficiently constant over time is part of the a. economic entity assumption. b. cost principle. c. historical cost principle. d. monetary unit assumption.86. A business that enjoys limited liability is a a. proprietorship. b. partnership. c. corporation. d. sole proprietorship.87. A problem with the monetary unit assumption is that a. the dollar has not been stable over time. b. the dollar has been stable over time. c. the dollar is a common medium of exchange. d. it is impossible to account for international transactions.88. The common characteristic possessed by all assets is a. ong life. b. great monetary value. c. tangible nature. d. future economic benefit.89. Owner's equity is best depicted by the following: a. Assets = Liabilities. b. Liabilities + Assets. c. Residual equity + Assets. d. Assets – Liabilities.90. The basic accounting equation may be expressed as a. Assets = Equities. b. Assets – Liabilities = Owner's Equity. c. Assets = Liabilities + Owner's Equity. d. all of these.91. Liabilities a. are future economic benefits. b. are existing debts and obligations. c. possess service potential. d. are things of value used by the business in its operation.92. Liabilities of a company would not include . notes payable. b. accounts payable. c. wages payable. d. cash.93. Liabilities of a company are owed to a. debtors. b. benefactors. c. creditors. d. underwriters.94. Owner's equity can be described as a. creditorship claim on total assets. b. ownership claim on total assets. c. benefactor's claim on total assets. d. debtor claim on total assets.95. Owner's equity is often referred to as a. residual equity. b. leftovers. c. spoils. d. second equity.96. When an owner withdraws cash or other assets from a business for personal use, these withdrawals are termed a. depletions. b. consumptions. c. drawings. d. credit line.97. Capital is a. an owner's permanent investment in the business. b. equal to liabilit ies minus owner's equity. c. equal to assets minus owner's equity. d. equal to liabilities plus drawings.98. Revenues would not result from a. sale of merchandise. b. initial investment of cash by owner. c. performance of services. d. rental of property.99. Sources of increases to owner's equity are a. additional investments by owners. b. purchases of merchandise. c. withdrawals by the owner. d. expenses.100. The basic accounting equation cannot be restated as a. Assets – Liabilities = Owner's Equity. b. Assets – Owner's Equity = Liabilities. c. Owner's Equity + Liabilities = Assets. d. Assets + Liabilities = Owner's Equity.101. Owner's equity is decreased by all of the following except a. owner's investments. b. owner's withdrawals. c. expenses. d. owner's drawings.102. A net loss will result during a time period when a. liabilities exceed assets. b. drawings exceed investments. c. expenses exceed revenues. d. revenues exceed expenses.103. If total liabilities increas ed by $15,000 and owner’s equity increased by $5,000 during a period of time, then total assets must change by what amount and direction during that same period? . $20,000 decrease b. $20,000 increase c. $25,000 increase d. $30,000 increase104. If total liabilities decreased by $15,000 and owner’s equity increased by $5,000 during a period of time, then total assets must change by what amount and direction during that same period? a. $20,000 increase b. $10,000 decrease c. $10,000 increase d. $15,000 decrease105. If total liabilities decreased by $25,000 and owner’s equity increased by $5,000 during a period of time, then total assets must change by what amount and direction during that same period? a. $20,000 decrease b. $20,000 increase c. $25,000 increase . $30,000 increase106. If total liabilities decreased by $15,000 and owner’s equity decreased by $5,000 during a period of time, then total assets must change by what amount and direction during that same period? a. $20,000 increase b. $10,000 increase c. $20,000 decrease d. $10,000 decrease107. If total liabilities increased by $14,000 during a period of time and owner’s equity decreased by $6,000 during the same period, then the amount and direction (increase or decrease) of the period’s change in total assets is a(n) a. $14,000 increase. b. $20,000 increase. c. $8,000 decrease. d. $8,000 increase.108. The accounting equation for Goodboys Enterprises is as follows: AssetsLiabilitiesOwner’s Equity $120,000=$60,000+$60,000 If Goodboys purchases office equipment on account for $12,000, the accounting equation will change to AssetsLiabiltiesOwner’s Equity a. $120,000 = $60,000 +$60,000 b. $132,000 = $60,000 +$72,000 c. $132,000 = $66,000 +$66,000 d. $132,000 = $72,000 +$60,000109. As of June 30, 2008, Houston Company has assets of $100,000 and owner’s equity of $5,000. What are the liabilities for Houston Company as of June 30, 2008? a. $85,000 b . $90,000 c. $95,000 d. $100,000110.Owner's equity is increased by a. drawings. b. revenues. c. expenses. d. liabilities.111. Owner's equity is decreased by a. assets. b. revenues. c. expenses. d. liabilities.112. If total liabilities increased by $4,000, then a. assets must have decreased by $4,000. b. owner's equity must have increased by $4,000. c. assets must have increased by $4,000, or owner's equity must have decreased by $4,000. d. assets and owner's equity each increased by $2,000.113. Collection of a $500 Accounts Receivable a. increases an asset $500; decreases an asset $500. b. increases an asset $500; decreases a liability $500. c. ecreases a liability $500; increases owner's equity $500. d. decreases an asset $500; decreases a liability $500.114. Revenues are a. the cost of assets consumed during the period. b. gross increases in owner's equity resulting from business activities. c. the cost of services used during the period. d. actual or expected cash outflows.115. I f an individual asset is increased, then a. there must be an equal decrease in a specific liability. b. there must be an equal decrease in owner's equity. c. there must be an equal decrease in another asset. d. none of these is possible.116. If services are rendered for credit, then . assets will decrease. b. liabilities will increase. c. owner's equity will increase. d. liabilities will decrease.117. If expenses are paid in cash, then a. assets will increase. b. liabilities will decrease. c. owner's equity will increase. d. assets will decrease.118. If an owner makes a withdrawal of cash from a proprietorship, then a. there has been a violation of accounting principles. b. owner's equity will increase. c. owner's equity will decrease. d. there will be a new liability showing the owner owes money to the business.119. If supplies that have been purchased are used in the course of business, then a. liability will increase. b. an asset will increase. c. owner's equity will decrease. d. owner's equity will increase.120. As of December 31, 2008, Anders Company has assets of $35,000 and owner's equity of $20,000. What are the liabilities for Anders Company as of December 31, 2008? a. $15,000 b. $10,000 c. $25,000 d. $20,000121. Which of the following events is not a business transaction? a. Investment of cash by the owner b. Hired employees c. Incurred utility expenses for the month d. Earned revenue for services provided122. Net income results when a. Assets ; Liabilities. b. Revenues = Expenses. c. Revenues ; Expenses. d. Revenues ; Expenses.123. Owner's capital at the end of the period is equal to a. owner's capital at the beginning of the period plus net income minus liabilities. b. owner's capital at the beginning of the period plus net income minus drawings. c. net income. d. assets plus liabilities.124. A balance sheet shows a. revenues, liabilities, and owner's equity. b. expenses, drawings, and owner's equity. c. revenues, expenses, and drawings. d. assets, liabilities, and owner's equity.125. An income statement a. summarizes the changes in owner's equity for a specific period of time. b. eports the changes in assets, liabilities, and owner's equity over a period of time. c. reports the assets, liabilities, and owner's equity at a specific date. d. presents the revenues and expenses for a specific period of time.126. If the owner's equity account increases from the beginning of the year to the end of the year, then a. net income is less than owner drawings. b. a net loss is less than owner drawings. c. additional owner investments are less than net losses. d. net income is greater than owner drawings. Use the following information for questions127–129. Jimmy's Car Repair Shop started the year with total assets of $270,000 nd total liabilities of $180,000. During the year, the business recorded $450,000 in car repair revenues, $255,000 in expenses, and Jimmy withdrew $45,000. 127. Jimmy's Capital balance at the end of the year was a. $240,000. b. $225,000. c. $285,000. d. $195,000.128. The net income reported by Jimmy's Car Repair Shop for the year was a. $150,000. b. $195,000. c. $90,000. d. $405,000.129. Jimmy's Capital balance changed by what amount from the beginning of the year to the end of the year? a. $45,000 b. $195,000 c. $90,000 d. $150,000130. The balance sheet is frequently referred to as a. an operating statement. . the statement of financial position. c. the statement of cash flows. d. the statement of owner's equity.131. The primary purpose of the statement of cash flows is to report a. a company's investing transactions. b. a company's financing transactions. c. information about cash receipts and cash payments of a company. d. the net increase or decrease in cash.132. All of the financial statements are for a period of time except the a. income statement. b. owner's equity statement. c. balance sheet. d. statement of cash flows.133. The ending owner's equity amount is shown on a. the bal ance sheet only. b. he owner's equity statement only. c. both the income statement and the owner's equity statement. d. both the balance sheet and the owner's equity statement.134. Benson Company began the year with owner’s equity of $175,000. During the year, the company recorded revenues of $250,000, expenses of $190,000, and had owner drawings of $20,000. What was Benson’s owner’s equity at the end of the year? a. $255,000 b. $215,000 c. $405,000 d. $235,000135. Ed Dexter began the Dexter Company by investing $20,000 of cash in the business. The company recorded revenues of $185,000, expenses of $160,000, and had owner drawings of $10,000. What was Dexter’s net income for the year? a. $15,000 b. $35,000 c. $25,000 d. $45,000136. Jenner Company began the year with owner’s equity of $15,000. During the year, Jenner received additional owner investments of $21,000, recorded expenses of $60,000, and had owner drawings of $4,000. If Jenner’s e nding owner’s equity was $46,000, what was the company’s revenue for the year? a. $70,000 b. $74,000 c. $91,000 d. $95,000137. Janzen Company began the year with owner’s equity of $217,000. During the year, Janzen received additional owner investments of $294,000, recorded expenses of $840,000, and had owner drawings of $56,000.If Janzen’s ending owner’s equity was $531,000, what was the company’s revenue for the year? a. $860,000 b. $916,000 c. $1,154,000 d. $1,210,000Use the following information for questions138-139.Benny’s Repair Shop started the year with total assets of $100,000 and total liabilities of $80,000. During the year, the business recorded $210,000 in revenues, $110,000 in expenses, and owner drawings of $20,000.138. Owner’s equity at the end of the year was a. $120,000. b. $100,000. c. $80,000. d. $90,000.139. The net income reported by Benny’s Repair Shop for the year was a. $80,000. b. $100,000. c. $6 0,000. . $190,000.Use the following information for questions 140–141. Berwick Company compiled the following financial information as of December 31, 2008: Revenues$140,000 Berwick, Capital (1/1/08)105,000 Equipment40,000 Expenses125,000 Cash35,000 Berwick, Drawings10,000 Supplies5,000 Accounts payable20,000 Accounts receivable15,000140. Berwick’s assets on December 31, 2008 are a. $235,000. b. $170,000. c. $80,000. d$95,000.141. Berwick’s owner’s equity on December 31, 2008 is a. $105,000. b. $110,000. c. $80,000. d. $120,000.142. Ironton Company’s owner’s equity at the beginning of August 2008 was $300,000. During the month, the company earned net income of $60,000 and owner’s drawings were $20,000. At the end of August 2008, what is the balance in owner’s equity? a. $260,000 b. $300,000 c. $340,000 d. $380,000143. On January 1, 2008, Jackson Company reported owner’s equity of $470,000. During the year, the owner with drew cash of $20,000. At December 31, 2008, the balance in owner’s equity was $500,000. What amount of net income or net loss would the company report for 2008? a. Net income of $30,000 b. Net loss of $50,000 c. Net income of $10,000 d. Net income of $50,000 Use the following information for questions 144–146.Jenkins Catering started the year with total assets of $20,000 and total liabilities of $5,000. During the year, the business recorded $16,000 in catering revenues and $8,000 in expenses. Jenkins made an additional investment of $3,000 and withdrew cash of $5,000 during the year.144. The owner’s equity at the end of the year was a. $21,000. b. $18,000. c. $8,000. d. $2,000.145. The net income reported by Jenkins Catering for the year was a. $16,000. b. $11,000. c. $8,000. d. $3,000.146. Owner’s equity changed by what amount from the beginning of the year to the end of the year? a. $15,000 b. $14,000 c. $6,000 d. $3,000147.During the year 2008, Toront o Enterprises earned revenues of $45,000, had expenses of $25,000, purchased assets with a cost of $5,000 and had owner drawings of $3,000. Net income for the year is a. $45,000. b. $20,000. c. $17,000. d. $15,000.148. At October 1, Bennington Enterprises reported owner’s equity of $35,000. During October, no additional investments were made and the company earned net income of $4,000. If owner’s equity at October 31 totals $32,000, what amount of owner drawings were made during the month? a. $0 b. $1,000 c. $3,000 d. $7,000149. At October 1, Bennington Enterprises reported owner’s equity of $35,000. During October, no additional investments were made and the company posted a net loss of $3,000. If owner’s equity at October 31 totals $32,000, what amount of owner drawings were made during the month? a. $0 b. $1,000 c. $3,000 d. $7,000150. At October 1, Bennington Enterprises reported owner’s equity of $35,000. During October, the owner made additio nal investments of $2,000 and the company earned net income of $6,000. If owner’s equity at October 31 totals $40,000, what amount of owner drawings were made during the month? a. $0 b. $3,000 c. $4,000 d. $5,000151. At October 1, Bennington Enterprises reported owner’s equity of $35,000.During October, the owner made additional investments of $5,000 and the company posted a net loss of $3,000. If owner’s equity at October 31 totals $35,000, what amount of owner drawings were made during the month? a. $0 b. $2,000 c. $3,000 d. $5,000 Additional Multiple Choice Questions152. Which of the following is not part of the accounting process? a. Recording b. Identifying c. Financial decision making d. Communicating153. The first part of the accounting process is a. communicating. b. identifying. c. processing. d. recording.154. Keeping a systematic, chronological diary of events that are measured in dollars and cents is called a. ommunicating. b. identifying. c. process ing. d. recording.155. Auditing is a. the examination of financial statements by a CPA in order to express an opinion on their fairness. b. a part of accounting that involves only recording of economic events. c. an area of accounting that involves such activities as cost accounting, budgeting, and accounting information systems. d. conducted by the Securities and Exchange Commission to ensure that registered financial statements are presented fairly.156. Internal users of accounting information include all of the following except a. company officers. b. investors. c. marketing managers. . production supervisors.157. The organization(s) primarily responsible for establishing generally accepted accounting principles is(are) the FASBSEC a. nono b. yesno c. noyes d. yesyes158. The primary accounting standard-setting body in the United States is the a. Financial Accounting Standards Board. b. International Accounting Standards Board. c. Internal Revenue Service. d. Securities and Exchan ge Commission.159. A proprietorship is a business a. owned by one person. b. owned by two or more persons. c. organized as a separate legal entity under state corporation law. d. owned by a governmental agency.160.A net loss will result during a time period when a. assets exceed liabilities. b. assets exceed owner's equity. c. expenses exceed revenues. d. revenues exceed expenses.161. The Ryder’s Uptown Grill received a bill of $400 from the Erml Advertising Agency. The owner, John Ryder, is postponing payment of the bill until a later date. The effect on specific items in the basic accounting equation is a. a decrease in Cash and an increase in Accounts Payable. b. a decrease in Cash and an increase in J. Ryder, Capital. c. an increase in Accounts Payable and a decrease in J. Ryder, Capital. d. a decrease in Accounts Payable and an increase in J.Ryder, Capital.162. James Company purchases $600 of equipment from Mundelein Inc. for cash. The effect on the components of the bas ic accounting equation of James Company is a. an increase in assets and liabilities. b. a decrease in assets and liabilities. c. no change in total assets. d. an increase in assets and a decrease in liabilities.163. Morreale Beaver Company buys a $12,000 van on credit. The transaction will affect the a. income statement only. b. balance sheet only. c. income statement and owner's equity statement only. d. income statement, owner's equity statement, and balance sheet.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

The Effects of Domestic Violence

The Effects of Domestic Violence Domestic violence can happen to people from all races, age, sexual orientation, social status and gender. Forms of domestic violence include rape, stalking and abusive behaviour against a person. Domestic violence has adverse effects on those who go through it as well as those who witness it.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on The Effects of Domestic Violence specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The effects range from physical injury, body and mental health complications and economic loss in terms of money used in treatment. It is worth noting that violence caused by men is not a result of their mental illnesses, but by the lack of anger and stress management skills. There are myths and realities about domestic violence, but with the knowledge of prevention tips many cases can be avoided. The information provided in the handout is very important in empowering women. According to statistics and research provided in the hand out, women are at a higher risk of being victims of domestic violence. This has put me on the watch out as it is clear that rapists and stalkers are looking for opportunities to exert their control. The handout has also proven important as it has helped me to understand why in spite of a lot of public awareness; domestic violence is still going on. As is explained, our parents often assault one another in front of the children while paying no attention to the bad lessons the children could learn from their uncivilized behaviours. Later on in life, children get involved in violence thinking it is a normal way of life. There are so many ways of preventing domestic violence. As a woman, I believe it is my role to educate my children on domestic violence while they are still young, so that they may not part from the teachings when they become adults. The handout has helped me realise that stalking is just as dangerous as other forms of domestic violence. Stalking instil fear in a person , making him or her lose his or her freedom. This can lead to death, mental illness and the victim can hardly do tasks expected of them since they do not know what will happen next. Stalking is worsened by the fact that there are no behavioural facts that can predict what a stocker will eventually do. They may torture their victims, assault them, rape them or even kill them. The government and the organizations that work toward helping victims of violence should involve all people in the community especially women who are the key in enhancing and implementing change. As a woman, I should have nothing to be ashamed of in taking measures against a stalker or rapist since I am the victim. Having learned of the great effects of domestic violence, loss in low work output, failure to go to work, employment problems due to the self-doubt, depression and confusion experienced by the victims, I have not just made it my point to be more careful, but also to assist victims by taking them for c ounselling. So as to fight domestic violence, ladies and women being the most affected, need to be aware of all the preventive tips towards rape and stalking.Advertising Looking for report on gender studies? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Ignorance is no defence and therefore, people should not live on assumptions and myths. In conclusion, the handout is not just informative, but also inspiring. However, the latest cases of rape have involved people who the victims are well acquainted with. It is therefore important to emphasize to all that caution should be taken even against close friends when it comes to rape.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

High Score on the Old SAT Should I Take the New SAT

High Score on the Old SAT Should I Take the New SAT SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips If you’re a current high school student, then you’re caught in a big transition between the old SAT and the new SAT. You may have thought you were all set with a high SAT score, but now you’re wondering, â€Å"Should I take the new SAT?† Not to worry, help is here! You can easily resolve this concern by asking yourself two key questions. First, find out whether your colleges require the new SAT. If they don’t, feel free to scroll down to the next important question: is your score on the old SAT really high enough to achieve your goals? Read on to consider one or both of these questions, and determine once and for all whether or not you need to take the redesigned SAT. Question 1: Do You Need the New SAT for Colleges? Before you start evaluating your SAT scores, you should make sure that your scores will fulfill application requirements. Do your prospective colleges accept old SAT scores, or do they only want new SAT scores? If you can’t find this information online, call up the admissions offices to clarify their stance. Interested parties need to know. So far, it looks like just about every college will still accept old SAT scores from students in the Class of 2017. As for students in the Class of 2018, several colleges haven’t declared an official policy yet. The trend seems to be that most colleges will still accept the old SAT, but not all of them have confirmed this yet. There’s just one college so far that will only accept the new SAT from Class of 2018 applicants, Northwestern. On its admissions site, Northwestern states, â€Å"Beginning with those seeking to enroll as first-year students in fall 2018, we will only accept the new SAT.† Ifyou're a junior or younger andaiming to be a future Wildcat, then you know what you need to do. In addition to figuring out which test your colleges require, you should also take note of your colleges’ super-scoring policies. Most colleges won’t â€Å"cross super-score† between the old SAT and new SAT. Since they’re two different tests with two different scoring systems, most colleges won’t take your highest sections scores on either test to combine them into the highest possible total score. If you’re relying on superscoring as part of your testing strategy, then this fact may be another deciding factor in whether or not you should take the new SAT. Once you answer this question for all the schools on your college list, you’ll be one step closer to answering the question of whether youshould take the new SAT. Let’s consider both scenarios, the first being that your colleges take the old SAT and the second being that they do not. I'm only applying to super chill colleges where I can play ultimate frisbee and take glass-blowing classes. They're totally cool with myold SAT scores. Answer 1: My Colleges Take the Old SAT If your colleges take the old SAT, then you might not have to take the new SAT! You've already met the SAT score requirement of your college applications. Rather than prepping for the new SAT, your energies will likely be more productive in other areas, like your academics, extracurricular activities, and producing the rest of your application. Before completing writing off the new SAT, though, you should scroll down to question #2 and make sure that your old SAT score really is high enough to make you a competitive applicant. My fashion forward colleges say out with the old and in with the new. They think the old SAT is so last season. Answer 2: My Colleges Only Take the New SAT If you’re a younger student graduating after 2018, then it’s possible that your prospective colleges will only take the new SAT. As you saw above, you’ll also have to take it if Northwestern’s on your college list. You may have been hoping that you were all finished with the SAT, but unfortunately, you got caught in the switchbetween the old and new SAT. The good news is that you’ve already done a lot of preparation and know that you can achieve a strong score if you put your mind to it. You’ll need to readjust your test prep to the redesigned test, or you could even consider switching over to the ACT instead. We’ll discuss how to choose between the SAT and ACT in more detail below, but first, let’s look at the second important question, which has to do with evaluating your SAT scores. Is your glass really as full as you thought, you were you usingan absurdly tiny measuring tape? Question 2: Is Your Score Really High Enough? Maybe your colleges take your old SAT scores, but that doesn’t mean that you’re necessarily all finished with this part of your application. Before nixing the idea of taking the new SAT, you should make sure your score really is high enough to accomplish your goals. So what criteria can you use to make this determination? First, you can consider your personal goals. Were you able to meet your target scores? Do you feel that your scores are an accurate reflection of your academic abilities? If you feel satisfied with your scores, then they may be high enough to meet your personal goals. Second, and more importantly, you should consider your prospective colleges’ expectations. While colleges typically don’t advertise an SAT minimum, they do publicize the average scores of accepted students. You might be able to find this information on your colleges’ admissions website. You can also easily find it using PrepScholar’s database, which gives you the average SAT scores, ranging from the 25th to the 75th percentile, of each college’s accepted students. For instance, a score of 2100 on the SAT is a great score and may very well exceed your personal goals. However, if you’re looking to apply to a highly selective school like Duke, MIT, Stanford, or any school in the Ivy League, then a 2100 isn’t actually all that competitive. You might go through your college list and write down the range of average SAT scores for accepted students. For example, this chart shows the range of average SAT scores for six colleges: College 25th Percentile 75th Percentile Penn State 1600 1910 University of Wisconsin 1760 2090 Northeastern 1940 2200 Villanova 1810 2090 UCLA 1750 2160 Harvard 2120 2400 To be a competitive candidate, you should have an SAT score in the 75th percentile of average scores or higher. For instance, you’d want to possess an SAT score of 2090 or above if you’re applying to the University of Wisconsin. If your scores fall in the lower part of the range or even below the average SAT score, then you might consider taking it again. It may be frustrating to have to study for a completely redesigned test, but you shouldn’t let this challenge deter you. In the end, gaining higher scores to send to your colleges would be well worth it. To discover the average SAT scores for each college on your list, you can use PrepScholar’s database of schools. Read on to learn more about this process, step by step. Step 1: go to your college's admissions page or PrepScholar's database. Step 2: throw your hands up and wail, "What more do you want from me?!" How to Research Your Colleges’ SAT Score Expectations Most colleges don’t explicitly state their SAT score expectations, but they still have a certain hidden requirement. Admissions officers sometimes won’t look at the rest of a student’s application unless he/she hits a certain score level. PrepScholar has collected this data on colleges across the country to help you with your college research. Just search for â€Å"[name of college] + PrepScholar† to find the average SAT scores of accepted students, ranging from the 25th to 75th percentile of accepted scores. For instance, the following offers a glimpse of PrepScholar’s data on NYU: As you can see, a score of 2190 on the old SAT would make you a competitive candidate for NYU. You can also enter your SAT scores and GPA on PrepScholar’s admissions calculator to estimate your chances of getting in. An SAT score of 2190paired with a GPA of 3.7gives you over a 50%chance of getting into NYU, meaning you could apply to NYU as one of your â€Å"on target† schools. Check out all your prospective schools on PrepScholar’s database to figure out whether your old SAT scores really are high enough to get you into college. What you do next depends on your answer to this original question of, â€Å"Is my score really high enough?† Like I said, my old SAT scores are high enough! I'm going shopping for winter clothes now so I can survive on a New England college campus. Answer 1: Yes, My Scores are High Enough If your scores meet your personal goals and fall near the 75th percentile of average scores, then you don’t have to take the new SAT! This is assuming, of course, that you already answered question 1 and your colleges take scores from the old SAT. Since you’re all done with this part of your application, you can focus on the other parts. Make sure you’ve requested recommendations and given your teachers and counselor a detailed brag sheet. Brainstorm topics for your personal essay and work through several revisions. Maintain your GPA and take an active role in your extracurricular activities. Continue to strive for success in school for your personal growth and to send off the strongest application you can! On the flip side, let’s say you researched your colleges’ average SAT scores and found that your old SAT scores didn’t quite match up. Then what? If you find your scores need to be higher, you have every right to look as disgruntledas this deer. Answer 2: No, My Scores Should Be Higher So you’ve done your research and found that your old SAT scores aren’t up to scratch. They fall closer to the 25th percentile end of the range or lower. If you’re serious about getting into a school and have time to retake the SAT, then you should probably take it again. Luckily, all of the prep you’ve already done will help you on the new SAT. At the same time, much of the test has changed, so the new SAT requires its own unique preparation. While your studying will help to some extent, you also don’t have to stick with the SAT out of loyalty. You could choose to take the ACT instead. If you do need to retake an admissions test because your colleges either don’t accept or expect higher SAT scores, which one should you choose, the SAT or the ACT? Should YouTake the New SAT or the ACT? Let’s say you asked yourself the two key questions described above and concluded that your old SAT scores won’t do. You need to take another exam, but you have the option of the new SAT or the ACT. How can you determine which test is better for you? First, you should take the time to learn about both tests. You’ll notice that the redesigned SAT is actually very similar in structure and question type to the ACT. After learning about both tests, you could sit down and take a timed practice test in each. Compare your performance to see which test would ultimately grant you the higher score for your college applications. To give you a preliminary comparison, let’s briefly review the structure and content of the SAT and ACT. After learning about their key features, read on to find practice tests and some tips for prepping for both tests. Don't worry about buying a bunch of heavy books to learn about the SAT and ACT. We have tons of comprehensive articles to teach you all about both tests. Step 1: Learn About the SAT and ACT Below are some key features of the SAT and ACT. You can also check out our various guides for a full breakdown of both tests, as well as detailed charts that compare them. As you read about the new SAT and ACT, consider which features seem like pros for you as a student and which ones feel like cons. Key Features of the SAT Since you already took the old SAT, you’ll immediately notice that the new SAT looks very different. Instead of ten shorter sections that are mostly random in order, the new SAT has just four longer sections in a predictable order. You’ll always get Reading first, following by Writing and Language, Math No Calculator, and Math with Calculator. The SAT essay is now optional; if you choose to take it, you’ll get it as a fifth section. You’ll want to check with your prospective colleges to see whether they expect you to take the essay section, which will no longer factor into your total scores. Much of the content coincides with the old test. You’ll still need to demonstrate your reading comprehension skills, a strong grasp of grammar and usage, and the ability to solve algebra and geometry problems. There are a few key differences from the old SAT, though. First, the Reading section no longer has sentence completions. You won’t need to fill in the blanks of questions with obscure vocabulary words. Instead, vocabulary questions will be passage-based and ask about a more common word that may shift meaning depending on context. You’ll also get some evidence-based questions in the Reading section that ask about your reason behind your answers. For instance, if you identified the main point of a paragraph, then a follow-up question may ask what specific lines prompted your previous response. In the Writing and Language section, you’ll answer questions on grammar, structure, word choice, and organization of ideas that are based on passages. The questions in both Reading and Writing are all passage-based, so context clues now play a much bigger role on the SAT. Ultimately, your performance on Reading and Writing will be combined into one Evidence-based Reading and Writing score. The other half of your score will be SAT Math, which, as you read above, is divided into a calculator prohibited and a calculator permitted section for the first time. Most of the questions will involve algebra, but you’ll also get a few geometry and, also for the first time, trigonometry questions. Finally, the SAT math will feature more word problems with â€Å"real world scenarios,† at least, according to College Board. Some of these so-called real world scenarios may ask about gas mileage, converting currency from one country to another, or profits from online music. Some of these word problems may include graphics; in fact, you’ll now find graphics, like tables and charts, that are paired with data interpretation questions on all four sections of the SAT. These changes are largely in line with those outlined by the Common Core. If your school’s curriculum has incorporated Common Core benchmarks, then it may give you a leg up on the new SAT. If you have to retake an admissions test, consider whether these changes appeal to you and your academic strengths. Below are a few of the key features of the ACT so you can compare the two tests. One big difference between the two admissions testsis the presence of a Science section on the ACT. It primarily asks about robots. Only one of those statements is true (I'm helping you sharpenyour critical reading skills!). Key Features of the ACT The new SAT actually looks very similar to the ACT. The ACT has always had a more predictable and straightforward format. Its four sections are English, Math, Reading, and Science, in that order, followed by an optional essay section. While the SAT features a long Reading section and a short Writing section, the ACT is the reverse; its English section (equivalent to SAT Writing and Language) is longer than its Reading section. Similar to the SAT, the ACT also asks questions that are passage-based and avoids particularly obscure vocab words. ACT Math is also comparable to SAT Math, but it tests more advanced concepts. Like the SAT, it has a large emphasis on algebra. Unlike the SAT, the ACT Math section asks more geometry and trigonometry questions. On the ACT, you can use a calculator throughout the math section. The biggest departure from the SAT can be found in the ACT Science section. This 35-minute section tests your reasoning and problem-solving skills and asks you to interpret, analyze, and evaluate data. It doesn’t necessarily require you to have a lot of scientific knowledge. Instead, it has to do with evaluating experimental design and understanding graphics. Students who are well-versed in the scientific method may appreciate the inclusion of a science section on the SAT. As you read through these features, you may have developed an inkling of which test you’d prefer. Let’s summarize the reasons why one test might be better than the other. Which Test Features AreBetter for You? Now that you’re familiar with some of the main differences between the tests, you should figure out which one seems better suited to your academic strengths. One big difference is the Science section on the ACT. You may know automatically whether this section, mainly based on data interpretation and evaluation, plays to your strengths or is one you’d rather avoid. Keep in mind, of course, that the SAT now also features graphics throughout all its sections, but they’re not all related to science. If you’re a more advanced math student, then you might be drawn to the ACT. It features more geometry than the SAT and doesn’t have as many complex word problems. If you’re stronger in algebra, then the SAT may be for you. As mentioned above, the ACT has a longer English section than a Reading section. The SAT has the reverse. Students who are stronger in reading comprehension, specifically answering questions about main points, details, and vocabulary in context, may prefer the SAT. Students who prefer to edit paragraphs for word choice, grammar, and organization of ideas may be drawn to the ACT. If you’re not sure where your academic strengths or simply want to see how the tests include the above-described content, you could take a practice test in each. Taking practice tests may feel tedious,but if you arrange everything in an Instagram-worthy way, then you can at leastmake it look cool. #nofilter Step 2: Take an SAT and ACT Practice Test After you’ve completed step one and learned all about the SAT and ACT, you might take a practice test in each. In the end, choosing between the two is simple. You should choose the one on which you can gain a higher score. Taking and scoring a practice test will help you figure out which test is better for you. There are lots of old ACT practice tests available, and College Board has offered four free official SAT practice tests. Time yourself in a quiet environment and when you’re finished, take the time to score both tests. While the two use a different scoring scale, you could compare the scores using concordance tables released by College Board and ACT, Inc. Since the redesigned SAT is so new, these comparisons are still somewhat rough. However, they should work to give you an idea of how your scores stack up. Besides, if you’re scoring very closely on the SAT and ACT, then you canjust choose based on your personal preference for one test over the over. You might feel like sticking with the SAT since you already got a high score on the old SAT. However, as you read above, the redesigned test features some significant differences in both structure and content. It’s totally up to you whether you want to stick with the SAT or switch over to the ACT to gain new scores. Once you make up your mind, how should you prep for each test? How to Prepare for the New SAT Since you gained a high score on the old SAT, you’ve probably already done a good deal of preparation for the test. To get ready to retake it, you should start by familiarizing yourself in-depth with all the changes. Learn about what’s changed on Reading, Writing, Math, and the essay, as well as what’s stayed the same. For instance, the reading comprehension strategies and grammar rules you studied for the old test should still help you on the new one. Some of the major changes, though, include a â€Å"no calculator† math section, an entirely passage-based Writing section, and a new emphasis on data interpretation. Make sure your materials accurately reflect the changes and will help you get ready for new question types. You can find official practice questions at College Board, as well as a useful and free online program at Khan Academy. While you’ve already done some prep, you should still start at least three months before your test date to give yourself sufficient time to adjust to the new test and improve your scores. Brief pause for some words of encouragement. You can do it, you superhero! OK, now back to reading. How to Prepare for the ACT As with the new SAT, some of the prep you did for the old SAT will also help you on the ACT. The two tests ask some similar questions, especially when it comes to reading comprehension, grammar, algebra, and geometry. However, you may need to brush up on more advanced math skills, as well as renew your focus on editing structure and organization of ideas in passages. You’ll also have to study entirely new material for the Science section, focusing on data interpretation and the ACT’s unique experimental design questions. As with the new SAT, you should start by familiarizing yourself with each section of the ACT, the English, Math, Reading, Science, and, if applicable, Writing. Gather official practice tests and other high-quality practice materials. You might begin with a diagnostic test and use your results to figure out how long you need to study to achieve your target score improvement. As you read above, you can research your colleges’ expectations and aim for the 75th percentile or higher in the range of average ACT scores of accepted students. Let your college goals guide your prep as you work toward your target scores. Hopefully, at this point, you have a clear sense of whether or not your old SAT scores are sufficient to apply to college. Let’s review the main points to keep in mind as you work your way through the college process. To Sum Up†¦ If you’re graduating in 2018 or earlier, then most colleges should take your old SAT scores. Unless you decide you need higher scores, then you can forget about these tests and devote your time and energy to other pursuits. On the other hand, if you’re a younger student or discover that your old SAT scores aren’t quite high enough, then you should spend some time prepping for and retaking an admissions test. You could take the new SAT, or you could switch things up and try the ACT. Ultimately, you should choose whichever test will help you get higher scores for your college applications. Once you decide between the two tests, focus on preparing with high-quality practice materials and a thoughtful, customized study plan. In the end, all of your hard work will pay off when you get that acceptance letter to your dream school. What’s Next? Once you’ve learned about each section of the new SAT, it’s time to think about study strategy. Check out our ultimate study guides, full of tips to help you master skills, question types, and time, for SAT Math, SAT Reading, and SAT Writing and Language. Are you taking the Essay section on the SAT? This comprehensive guide will guide you through the process of writing a new SAT essay, step by step. Are you unclear on how long you need to study for the SAT, especially since you already took the old version? Check out this 6-step guide for figuring out exactly how long you need to study for the SAT. Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points or your ACT score by 4 points?We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now: