Sunday, January 26, 2020
The Ottawa Charter For Health Promotion Social Work Essay
The Ottawa Charter For Health Promotion Social Work Essay Health, Wellbeing and Quality of Life is defined in different ways due to circumstances of the person it represents comparing age and gender brings different results as so does the economic status of the person and what social class they belong Blaxter (1990) study of health and lifestyle of 9000 people in the UK showed that a percentage of people could not tell when they were healthy only that they knew when they are unwell peoples perceptions of health show in studies that the elderly define health and quality of life as being able to move around where as a younger person might think running a marathon or going to a gym make you healthy. Disease can have a major negative impact on health and wellbeing feeling that a label has been placed on someone makes them feel that they are now classed as defective and this knocks confidence to improve their situation and they fail to regain a better quality of life Exploring different sectors of society we see a bigger picture that health, wel lbeing and quality of life means different things to everyone Elderly people have experienced many changes over the years physically and mentally their bodies no longer agile as when they were young making simple tasks around the home a challenge mobility has one of the biggest impacts stair climbing and general moving around safely in the home impact on how the older person feels their quality of life is now compared to how they were younger physical impairments sight and hearing loss weakening of limbs and arthritic conditions makes the person feel they can no longer lead a fulfilling life and fear losing their independence With health promotion to improve the quality of life of elderly people service improvements can be put into place including community care and day centres (Hubley and Copeman 2010 p104) provisions to make the home safer and providing equipment such as walking aids and stairlifts which the local authority may help to fund also the local council can supply nutritious meals through its meals on wheels service ensuring the elderly person gets hot food. Another major factor in the United Kingdom that affects quality of life and health is housing according to the World Health Organization the conditions of living in insufficient housing has contributing factors to numerous avertable maladies amongst these include respirational problems, nervous system, diseases of the heart and cancer So for the lower class people those who fall into the scale of poverty, homeless including those living in temporary accommodation and the unemployed their quality of life will be impaired as there are very little options in where they reside with council and housing waiting lists at an all-time high over 1.7 million households are currently waiting for social housing (Shelter 2012) private rented accommodation is another option but with unscrupulous landlords looking to make easy money and not maintaining their properties people are living in dangerous and unhealthy conditions properties may have damp issues which affect the respiratory system causing such ailments as asthma and bronchitis as well as suffering more colds and flu although these are treatable with medication or by moving home then a person can regain a better quality of life another problem facing the lower class is stress living in unsuitable accommodation or in a poor run-down neighbourhoods with anti-social problems such as drug abuse and noise the stress can put a strain on family relationships causing arguments and unhappiness the area may not be safe for children to play out and this affects the quality of life not only of adults but children suffer too and this may affect their schooling by ill health causing time off on the other scale of the ladder we see people who are in steady employment and have the finances to purchase their own property in areas of their own choosing these people have a better quality of life and health as they have the finances for improved medical and health treatment and with the satisfaction of achievement of having better things owning a home, career, financial security, car and holidays Most have found they are in the sector who are enjoying health, wellbeing and quality of life A decent home is fundamental to peoples well-being (Shelter 2007) One of the most traumatic and stressful things a person can go through in life is finding themselves homeless there are many reasons why this may happen a private landlord may decide to sell the house they have been leasing out or it could be a breakdown of a relationship or having to flee domestic violence there have been a significant amount of homes being repossessed as people cant keep up the mortgage payments due to job loss, ill health or financial problems There are also other reasons why a person might find themselves homeless such as a person from another country seeking asylum in the UK everyones experience of homelessness is different for some people they will find themselves staying with family or friends others especially families who cannot be found a home immediately will be placed in temporary accommodation where they may have to share facilities such as bathroom and kitchen this can make a person feel degraded accommodation may not be found in the local vicinity meaning people may be far away from family and friends and they can feel isolated For those not so fortunate to have temporary accommodation because of issues such as mental health, drug and alcohol abuse these people may find themselves sleeping rough on the streets or squatting in unsafe and unsanitary conditions the charity St Mungos based in London hold a survey of the homeless people who attend their centre each year and the findings show that there is very poor health amongst the homeless people as shown in their 2012 survey 64% had a physical health condition and 70% were suffering mental health problems (see Appendix A,B and C) the survey clearly shows that most of the homeless people suffered a poor quality of health for some a change is possible with medication to improve mental health or people addressing their addictions and seeking help from medical or self-help group taking responsibility will empower the person to lead a better life with the possibility of getting a home and job a person can then gain back a good quality of life Everyone has a responsibility for their own health and well-being for others higher up the social ladder this is easier as they have safer cleaner living conditions and access to private medical care and facilities where this may be impossible for others such as the homeless and gypsys who are constantly moving around and may not have access to facilities education can play a good part in giving advice to these sectors especially on the importance of childhood vaccinations to prevent the spread of diseases and infections such as chicken pox, Measles and whooping cough and provide advice to the elderly who may need care for arthritis and other ageing conditions with health promotion members of the community who are trusted can relay the information and help improve the communities health. the Government and National Health Service have set up many schemes to help people with addictions, healthy eating, exercise and unemployment initiatives Charitys such as Shelter provide help on hous ing crisis and homelessness and Age UK help promote advice and services to help the elderly community It is possible with knowledge to make changes and to some degree people can experience health, wellbeing and quality of life. Appendix A, Appendix B, Appendix C ,
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Conclusion To Financial Statement
ConclusionThis Project has been very useful to me because I learned how to prepare cash flow statements and ratio analysis. This has improved my knowledge on financial statements which is very useful in business and commerce ever day. The work I did in this project has helped me to understand the techniques, applications and usefulness of financial statements to understand the performance of a particular company or enterprise without much difficulty and also understand how to prepare them in future. I came to the following conclusion while preparing this project.Purposes of Financial AnalysisJudging The Earning Capacity On the basis of the financial analysis, the earning capacity of the business concern may be computed. In addition to this, the future earning capacity of the concern may also be forecasted. All the external users of accounts, specially the investors and potential investors are interested in this.Judging The Managerial EfficiencyThe financial statement analysis helps t o pinpoint the areas where in the managers have shown better efficiency and the areas of inefficiency. For example, using financial ratios, it is possible to analyze relative proportion of production, administrative and marketing expenses. Any favorable or unfavorable variations can be identified and reasons thereof can be ascertained to pinpoint managerial efficiency and deficiency Judging The Short-term & Long-term Efficiency Of The Enterprise On the basis of financial analysis, long-term as well as short-term solvency of the concern may be judged. Creditors or suppliers are interested to know the short-term solvency/liquidity of the concern i.e. ability to meet short-term liabilities. Debenture holders and lenders judge the ability of the company to pay the principal amount and interest on the basis of financial analysisInter-Firm ComparisonInter-firm comparison becomes easy with the help of financial analysis. It helps in assessing own performance as well as that of others, i f merges and acquisitions are to be considered. Making Forecasts & Preparing BudgetsPast financial statement analysis helps a great deal in assessing developments in the future, especially the next year. For example, given a certain investment, it may be possible to forecast the next year’s profit on the basis of earning capacity shown in the past. Analysis thus helps in preparing the budgets.UnderstandableFinancial analysis helps the users of the financial statements to understand the complicated matter in simplified manner. Different date can be made more attractive by charts and diagrams which can be easily understoodUses of Financial StatementSecurity AnalysisIt is a process by which the investor comes to know whether the firm is fulfilling hi expectation with regard to payment of dividend, capital appreciation and security of money. Such analysis is done by a security analyst who is interested in cash-generating ability, dividend payout policy and the behavior of share p ricesCredit AnalysisSuch analysis is useful when a firm offers credit to a new customer or a dealer. The manager of the firm would like to know whether to extend credit to them or not. Such analysis is also useful for a bank before granting loan to the public.Debt AnalysisSuch analysis is done by the firm to know the borrowing capacity of a prospective borrower.Dividend DecisionFinancial analysis helps the firm in deciding about the rate of dividend. Management would have to decide about how much portion of earnings to distribute and how much to retain. Such decisions indicate the profitability of the firm and hence to some extent affect the behavior of share pricesGeneral Business AnalysisFinancial analysis can be used to identify the profit drivers and business risks in order to assess the profit potential of the firm. It helps in the future growth scenarios of the firm Limitations Of Financial StatementHistorical AnalysisFinancial statement analysis is a historical analysis. I t analysis what has happened till date. It does not reflect the future. Person like shareholders, investors, etc are more interested in knowing the likely position in the future.Ignore Price Level ChangesPrice level changes and purchasing power of money are inversely related. A change in the price level makes analysis of financial statements of different accounting years invalid because accounting records ignore change in the value of moneyQualitative Aspects IgnoredSince the financial statements are confined to the monetary matters alone, the qualitative aspects like the quality of management, quality of labor force, public relations are ignored while carrying out the analysis of financial statementNot Free From BiasIn many situations, the accountant has to make a choice out of alternative available, e.g. choice in the method of inventory valuation or choice in the method of depreciation. Since the subjectively is inherent in personal judgment, the financial statements are, therefo re, not free from biasVariation In Account PracticesFor inter-firm comparison, it is necessary that accounting practices followed by the firms don’t vary significantly. As there may be variations in accounting practices followed by different firms, a meaningful comparison of their financial statements is not possible Conclusion To Financial Statement This Project has been very useful to me because I learned how to prepare cash flow statements and ratio analysis. This has improved my knowledge on financial statements which is very useful in business and commerce ever day. The work I did in this project has helped me to understand the techniques, applications and usefulness of financial statements to understand the performance of a particular company or enterprise without much difficulty and also understand how to prepare them in future. I came to the following conclusion while preparing this project.Purposes of Financial AnalysisJudging The Earning CapacityOn the basis of the financial analysis, the earning capacity of the business concern may be computed. In addition to this, the future earning capacity of the concern may also be forecasted. All the external users of accounts, specially the investors and potential investors are interested in this.Judging The Managerial EfficiencyThe financial statement analysis helps to pinpoint the areas where in the managers have shown better efficiency and the areas of inefficiency. For example, using financial ratios, it is possible to analyze relative proportion of production, administrative and marketing expenses.Any favorable or unfavorable variations can be identified and reasons thereof can be ascertained to pinpoint managerial efficiency and deficiency Judging The Short-term & Long-term Efficiency Of The Enterprise On the basis of financial analysis, long-term as well as short-term solvency of the concern may be judged.Creditors or suppliers are interested to know the short-term solvency/liquidity of the concern i.e. ability to meet short-term liabilities. Debenture holders and lenders judge the ability of the company to pay the principal amount and interest on the basis of financial analysisInter-Firm ComparisonInter-firm comparison becomes easy with the help of financial analysis. It helps in assessing own performance as well as that of others, if merges and acq uisitions are to be considered. Making Forecasts & Preparing BudgetsPast financial statement analysis helps a great deal in assessing developments in the future, especially the next year. For example, given a certain investment, it may be possible to forecast the next year’s profit on the basis of earning capacity shown in the past. Analysis thus helps in preparing the budgets.UnderstandableFinancial analysis helps the users of the financial statements to understand the complicated matter in simplified manner. Different date can be made more attractive by charts and diagrams which can be easily understood Uses of Financial StatementSecurity AnalysisIt is a process by which the investor comes to know whether the firm is fulfilling hi expectation with regard to payment of dividend, capital appreciation and security of money. Such analysis is done by a security analyst who is interested in cash-generating ability, dividend payout policy and the behavior of share pricesCredit Ana lysisSuch analysis is useful when a firm offers credit to a new customer or a dealer. The manager of the firm would like to know whether to extend credit to them or not. Such analysis is also useful for a bank before granting loan to the public.Debt AnalysisSuch analysis is done by the firm to know the borrowing capacity of a prospective borrower.Dividend DecisionFinancial analysis helps the firm in deciding about the rate of dividend. Management would have to decide about how much portion of earnings to distribute and how much to retain. Such decisions indicate the profitability of the firm and hence to some extent affect the behavior of share pricesGeneral Business AnalysisFinancial analysis can be used to identify the profit drivers and business risks in order to assess the profit potential of the firm. It helps in the future growth scenarios of the firm Limitations Of Financial StatementHistorical AnalysisFinancial statement analysis is a historical analysis. It analysis what ha s happened till date. It does not reflect the future. Person like shareholders, investors, etc are more interested in knowing the likely position in the future.Ignore Price Level ChangesPrice level changes and purchasing power of money are inversely related. A change in the price level makes analysis of financial statements of different accounting years invalid because accounting records ignore change in the value of moneyQualitative Aspects IgnoredSince the financial statements are confined to the monetary matters alone, the qualitative aspects like the quality of management, quality of labor force, public relations are ignored while carrying out the analysis of financial statementNot Free From BiasIn many situations, the accountant has to make a choice out of alternative available, e.g. choice in the method of inventory valuation or choice in the method of depreciation. Since the subjectively is inherent in personal judgment, the financial statements are, therefore, not free from biasVariation In Account PracticesFor inter-firm comparison, it is necessary that accounting practices followed by the firms don’t vary significantly. As there may be variations in accounting practices followed by different firms, a meaningful comparison of their financial statements is not possible
Friday, January 10, 2020
Where to Find Persuasive Essay Topics That Dont Require a Bibliography
Where to Find Persuasive Essay Topics That Don't Require a Bibliography A History of Persuasive Essay Topics That Don't Require a Bibliography Refuted You may still must submit an essay if you wish to find the most competitive scholarships. UChicago, or another school of Ivy League, you will want to prepare an essay. You are able to reuse your essays for all of the colleges. Writing a great persuasive essay is not a simple job, however, it's achievable. The significant distinction is that the argumentative essay should demonstrate a discussion rather than a single opinion. In such situations, finding persuasive essays is actually challenging. Check whether the college makes it possible for you to submit samples of your work associated with your major, portfolios, or other things that permits you to make a more powerful case for yourself. So as to stick out among other applicants you simply have to be a bit more creative in figuring out how to tell your story. Remember narrative essay conclusion is about the effect of the story. A survival program should develop into a must-have for every single family in the event of natural disasters. A conclusion is, without doubt, the most essential portion of the argumentative essay since you can either support the superior impression or destroy it entirely. An effective method to confirm the increase of harmful families of agarics. There are a big number of such companies providing essay writers, but should you decide on this path, due diligence is important to make certain that the job will be finished right. The issue, nevertheless, is that not all businesses can be relied on to deliver quality essays on time so you need to be mindful in selecting one. You may continue to keep your argumentative essays for your upcoming job portfolio in case they're highly graded. If you're concerned about writing application essays for a single reason or another, the very good choice for you will be applyi ng to a school that doesn't require that you compose essays. Sample persuasive essays can also give inspiration on topics to write on in addition to serve as examples about how to compose your essay. It is not a place to be insecure. Persuasive essays aren't found even on the world wide web. The most effective persuasive short essays often concentrate on controversial problems. When it is stressful that you compose essays or you have very limited time, you may always utilize help of professionals who will help you in crafting an expert essay. If you're an excellent writer you, you will definitely need to write college essays to reveal your writing abilities. When you receive a task done from us you will return again if you need assistance with another one of your essays. From time to time, the students make usage of internet custom made essay writing companies offering custom papers and other kinds of writings. The Meaning of Persuasive Essay Topics That Don't Require a Bibliography In compliance with the typical college applications, students were required to compose an essay to demonstrate commitment to admissions. In such a scenario, a student must decide on an ideal topic to write about. Thirdly, many students do not understand where to begin and what things to include in summarizing a source. Today, most college students find it difficult to co mpose an essay on a specific topic. Such colleges may also attract highly qualified candidates so as to be their safety school since they won't will need to compose more essays or do additional work. Other colleges will enable you to submit an activity resume. A few of the colleges at the exact same time may need an essay with their very own additional applications. Don't automatically feel that colleges which don't require college applications essays are only the ones which are the simplest to get into. Ruthless Persuasive Essay Topics That Don't Require a Bibliography Strategies Exploited Regrettably, it is not accurate. This isn't always true, there may be exceptions. This format is comparable to that of a persuasive speech. Annotated bibliography template is going to be a vivid example and you are going to be able to produce an outstanding annotation with no mistakes and flaws!
Wednesday, January 1, 2020
Who Is The Client Essay - 1826 Words
The client is an eight-year old Latino female who has been diagnosed with ADHD, present the symptoms that meet a diagnosis of opposition defiant disorder, adjustment disorder with anxiety, and adjustment disorder with disturbance of emotions and conduct. The client suffers from depression, too. The client lives in foster homes with two other foster children, male and female, which are around the same age as the client. For the most part, the client gets along with the foster children, but struggles to get along with children at school. Also the client is known to talk back to her foster parents. At school the client hits, pulls, and trips other children. The client also starts fights while at the park. The foster mother would hopefully like to adopt the client if family reunification is to fail. However, the foster family is now having concerns as to how they would manager her aggression if they were to adopt the client. The client does have a therapist and a wraparound team for supp orts as well her biological aunt and foster family. The client’s biological mother is a drug addict and substance abuse user. The client’s mother had her at age 13 (the mother is known not show the client any affection or support). The client and her mother have a strange relationship. The biological mother can be inappropriate and rude to the client during visits (talks about how the client is overweight). Mindfulness Training: MSWI is not aware if the client has been exposed to mindfulnessShow MoreRelatedWho Is The Client?1458 Words  | 6 PagesThe Client The client is a 58-year-old male who lives at home with his wife and daughter. He also works at home as a Financial Adviser. He is ex-army (16  ½ years), and while he was in the army he also competed in pole vault. He has complained of right knee pain that has been present for 20 years on and off. In the past 3-5 years there has been a greater rate of deterioration. 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According to the demand of client, we first identified the portfolio with the lowest risk
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